
Parents with 4 month old babies...?

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Tell me about your son/daughter...when were they born, what did they weigh, how much do they weigh now...started solids yet? How much are they drinking, what are their favorite games to play? what milestones have they reached...

How are you enjoying parenthood...? Any funny stories?

My son Sebastian was born April 6 about 3 weeks early and weighed 5lb 9 (2.7kg) At his last weigh which was last week he was 12lb 9 (5.9kg) He's still in some 0000 clothes (just tops and some jackets) but mostly in 000's

He started solids about 3 weeks ago and loves sweet potato!! hates farex and hates corn..but seems content now-days with most other things. When he drinks formula he has bout 210ml. He sleeps through the night, HATES tummy time and thus every time is on his tummy rolls to his back. loves to smile and has the most adorable cheeky grin...funniest story is that during his dedication, whilst pastor was holding him he started grunting and his face went bright red...and yep...he soiled his pants...everyone got a good laugh though!

Can't wait to hear everyone's stories! I want you all to brag about your kids!

Thanx so much!





  1. I had my daughter May 6th so she is not quite 4 months- she is 3 1/2. She was born when I was 38 weeks pregnant. She weighed 7 lbs 12 oz and was 21'' long- big baby! She was a little jaundice and lost 11 oz in the hospital but gained quite a bit to make up for it!

    Right now she is 15 lbs and is 24'' long. She has completely grown out of all 0-3 month clothing and can wear anything from 3-6, 6-9 and even 6-12 month clothing. I guess it all depends on where you buy it and whether it is a pair of pants or a sleeper.

    She is still completely on formula and drinks 6oz bottles approx 6 x per day. I dont plan on giving her anything else until 6 months of age.

    She slept through the night from 2 1/2 months (around the time of her vaccinations) and still does. She was a very fussy baby from birth to 2 1/2 months and has colic. At 2 1/2 months it was like she snapped out of colic. She is absolutely perfect now unless she is just HUNGRY then she will let EVERYONE know.

    She always wakes up with a smile on her face- she is a morning baby! My daughter hates tummy time as well but I still try and fit it in as much as she will let me. She is losing a bit of hair because of "flat head" from sleeping on her preferred side. She has outgrown her basinett so she now sleeps in her crib.

    Her 2 favourite things are stroller rides and visiting with family to see familier faces. She smiles all the time and follows me and Daddy with her eyes as we move around the house. She mimmicks us and knows it. She will immitate sticking out her tongue and cooing. She has not laughed yet but is getting very close. I believe her way of laughing is when she opens her mouth so wide when smiling that we can see all of her gums.

    I could go on and on... but who couldn't, talking about their own children?

  2. my son is April 2 (whew missed April fools day by 1 hour and 6 mins).

    he just started rolling over last week and now he wont stop.  he thinks it hilarious to roll and roll while you try and change so fun for me!!  :-)

    He is semi sleeping through the night (aka every few days he does it for me) and this week decided he wants to roll onto his tummy to sleep, but then screan bloody murder to have me roll him onto his back when he gets sick of being on his tummy.

    he was 7 lbs 1 oz and 1 day shy of 42 weeks, and he is now 16 lbs 2 oz...holy piggy!!  :-)

    his smiles make me smile everytime, he giggles like crazy and so do I.  he loves music and dancing and cuddles galore!!  He even likes to watch those horrible car shows with his daddy on the weekend!!  he will be baptized at the end of september, and makes every day fantastic for me no matter how grumpy I am!!

    today he was in his jumperoo for an hour and had a blast (he's still a bit too short so we put the game of Life under him to give him a couple extra inches).  

    he is also a talker (like his parents) and tells daddy all sorts of stories about his day when he gets home.

  3. OK i have a 21 month old boy. he was born here in atlanta,georgia, on November 5, 2006, and he weighted 9 lbs 1oz at birth and he now weights 27lbs and 34in. he started eating solids at 4 months, and i know this was crazy but he was drink 6-8oz of milk from the age of 3 week. he started 2 sit up at 4 1/2 - 5 months and started 2 crawl at 5 1/2 months. he started 2 pull up on things at about 7 - 8 months and started 2 walk at 11 months. he had a big 1st birthday party with only family friends. and right now he is running, and trying 2 say his abc's and 123s, and he is just talking his little heart out. i was going 2 start trying 2 potty training but ppl say its 2 early so I'm going 2 give it a few months. and 4 the last thing his name is johnny, but i call him quin-quin(middle name).  

  4. Hello Chez,  Great Question!

    My Gavin is 4 months as well. He was born April 10, weighing in at 6lbs 13 oz, and 18 1/4 inches long, and he was also born by C-section, 3 weeks early due my having Pre-eclampsia. He lost a bit of weight the first few days which is normal, due to the breastfeeding not working out, I had to start him on formula.  He gradually worked his way up to about 5 or 6 oz at a time now... but occassionally needs 3 or 4 onces in between...  He can pretty much go anywhere from 2 to 5 hours between feedings... At his last weighin (2 month doctor appoint) he was 12 lbs 9 oz... Sort of at the lower end of the growth charts for his age and height... but still in normal limits and he is growing. (According to U.S. growth charts, he's in the 15th to 25th percentile for weight and height... but it sounds as though you are not in America, so your average growth charts may say something else) He has another appointment coming up in a few weeks for his 4 month exam and shots. I cant wait to see how much weight he's gained. He also looks like he's shot up a few inches. We just started to try some Rice cereal mixed with formula... he's not exactly sure what it is or if he likes it... so we'll see about moving onto to some Oatmeal or applesauce this week... I am not rushing it because I am following Baby Lead weaning... He'll tell me when he's ready for it...  But he has had apple juice and prune juice and he loves both!  He also likes water... I found that when I was giving him a bath and some water splashed in his mouth then he kept opening it and trying to get more water in his mouth... and when I wouldn't let him drink it... he got mad at me and cried!  hahaha...   He's pretty much reached all of his milestones and beyond for his age...  He never really liked tummy time until this last week... I was worried that he wouldnt start rolling from tummy to back (4th month milestone) on time... then he surprised me and by passed that right to the 5th month milestone by learning to turn competely from his back to his tummy...  so now Ive really gotta keep a close eye...  He's also pretty much on target with all his MS... started batting at toys, which progressed to grabbing them, now he shakes rattles, disconnects his links (over here fisher price and sassy infant toys makes things called Linka-doos which are connecting rings that you can chain together or use to hang toys) he chews on stuff, always trying to teeth on things, but no teeth yet... hugs stuffed animal toys... plays with their wings (butterfly toys)... kicks his piano to make it play and turn the lights on... Oh and he is a talker!  He started by cooing very softly which progressed up to cooing more and more and louder and louder... to experimenting with sounds... he recently has learned to hollar (yell) and is always practicing this new vocal... He hollars so much that he gives himself a hoarse throat and makes himself cough... LOL one day while shopping he just kept doing it over and over and over... hahaha.... people were looking...  haha ...  He coos and babbles now allthe time... mostly when he's alone and thinks no one is watching... he has little conversations with his toys... If he notices that you are watching he gets quiet... perhaps he's a bit shy :))  like mommy was...  He likes to hear his Gram ma make up her own stories about anything and everything silly which make no sense at all... He just laughs and laughs when he's with her. So I recently just learned that he loves to be held under his arms up above mommy when she's laying down... as if he's flying like Superman...  mommy says "im gonna get ya" and he just laughs his *** off... seriously he never laughed like this ever... he was giggleing, squeeling, and turning red, with such an infectious captivating laughter. It was amazing.  It's always been hard for me to get him to laugh. His gram ma makes him laugh with no effort at all. I can try and try all day, and I get mr. serious.  So now that I learned my new trick, I try to do it all the time... works like a charm...

    As for milestones, we are also working on trying to sit up supported...  So I got him this Bumbo Chair... He didn't like it much...  but atleast he is starting to like tummy time better now that he knows how to roll over.  We'll try again on the sitting thing...   Funny story is we took him for his portrait at a Photography studio...  mommy tried and tried to get him to smile, grin, raise an eyebrow, anything... No such luck... So when the photographer suggested I change his outfit... I took off his onesie but I couldn't get the snap undone, and had a difficult time to get it over his head and he started laughing his *** off at mommy...  then we get him all ready for the pose and of course he wouldn't make any expression for the camera... mr. serious...  so the photographer goes behind the table to change backgrounds and I am there holding him to get him to sit upright... so I was saying... "look at you sittin all by yurself"  and he started grinning and laughing his *** off again... but when the photographer came back he stopped and was mr. serious again...  go figure... when she's ready to snap his pic he wont do anything... when she leaves he smiles...   fortunately... I kept telling him he was sitting up all by his self, (in baby talk of course)  the photographer leaned over me and snapped a shot... it was one of the best shots out of the whole entire sitting... He was wearing a black tie, so adorable with a big gummy grin  and she added this black quare dotted border to the outer two edges of the photo to make it look like a reel of film...added a soft focus and his name in black in the upper corner... and it looks just like an old Hollywood Movie Star photo!!!

  5. Allie was born March 31, 2008 and weighed a healthy 7 lbs. 9 oz and was 20.25 inches long. At her last weigh in she was 13 lbs 4 oz and 24 and 3/8 inches. She still fits in some newborn clothes but mostly wears 0-3 months. She started solids about 1 1/2 months ago. She loves bananas, sweet potatoes, and prunes. She will eat anything without putting up a fight. She has learned to grab the spoon as soon as I am about to put the food in her mouth and causes the food to go everywhere. She sleeps through the night, loves being in her walker and scooting backwards, loves Mickey Mouse Club House, rolls over from tummy to back and back to tummy, laughs out loud, ALWAYS wants to stand, scoots herself on the floor, never sits still, is learning to be a diva when she does not get her way, reaches for people when she wants to be held, talks up a storm and has the most beautiful smile and LOVES to take a bath. She is so amazing and I couldn't be happier.

  6. My daughter Azula was born on April 11 08 she was 7 lb exactly and 18 1/2 in. she now 14lbs she hasn't really got the hang of eating solids yet.i ask her "who's my coo baby?" and she just cracks up i love her so much.

  7. So glad you asked this. It's nice to know where other babies of the same age are at. My little one was born 22nd April so is 16 weeks and 3 days old. She was 8lbs 8 1/2 born after the quickest (yet very painful) 2 hour labour. When I first saw her it was like looking in a mirror which was weird for me because my son is the image of his Daddy. At first she was on 3 hourly feedings but now gets fed every 4. She drinks anything from 4oz to 8oz and is no where near wanting solids yet. Am gonna wait until she drains 8oz at every feeding. She first rolled over at 11 weeks from her back to her front and is yet to go the other way. She likes tummy time and lifts herself up off the floor quite a lot. She is now a very happy baby but has reflux so we've had our fair share of screaming. (mostly from mummy and daddy lol) She loves her big brother and he only has to look at her and she smiles at him. He does this thing with her arms, where he swings them and she giggles away. We tried to do it and she just looks at us like were stupid. She has three naps a day totaling in about 3 1/2 hours and goes to bed at 7pm. She does not sleep through yet :-( We had her weighed last week and she was 14lbs 5 1/2 so she is just perfect.  

  8. My son was born 2 months prematurely and weighted 4 pounds and 5 oz! He was in the NICU for about a month under observation and had little sensors on his chest to keep track of his heart and his lung activity, when a baby stops breathing the alarms go off right away or if something is wrong with the heartbeats! ... Well one day I was with him in the room and the alarm for his breathing patterns went off and it was indicating that he wasn't breathing at all so I started to freak the h**l out! The alarms kept sounding (by this time I almost had a heart attack thinking my baby was gonna die or something) and all of a sudden I heard PRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT! He took the biggest most nastiest little baby dump!!!!! Hahaha he wasn't breathing because he was trying to get his poopie out and boy it was a lot! lol. Once he relieved himself, the alarms shut down and he wasn't red anymore!

  9. My son Nathaniel is a little younger he was born 3rd may .. and was 9 pounds on the dot! he started on OOO's and is now 17.5 pounds and 63cm tall ...hes a whopper , im 6 foot tall and my hubby is 6'6 so we were going to have big babys , he was 4 days early as i was in spiritus labour for 2.5 weeks ( contractions every 2 mins , no dialation , no engagement OOOOWCH!! he is our 3rd baby and last!,, ( mmm well see ) hes a gem! sleeps all night rolls over , has conversations that to breeeeee brrrrr gooooo and gaaa,,, oooooooh hes a pot of gold .. he is breast fedd exclusivly and soon to start solids ( none of my kids ever did mush but when hes 5 months or so ill give him some chunks of things to mush and murder ! as long as hes over a mat... i have great plans for him , i think he will be a thinker cause he will sit contently for hours whatchin the other 2 kids and we think hes sitting there wondering what he needs to move to do what their doing... he likes to wee in his face ! and mine and hates the bath TYPICAL BOY!!! ... he started to roll and hgets really cranky with tummy time se we do it on a rolled up towel on the floor or he plays with me on my chest...

    anyway better go , could be here for ages talking bout my gems but hes calling for boobies  LOL  ...congrats enjoy every moment , before you know it their telling you how to drive and to drop them at school from the end of the street so the coolness stays with them  UGH!! my eldest is 11 ... enuff said!  LOL

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