
Parentsing question?

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i work hard all week in a chicken-factory and come home all dirty with real ugly stuff all over me and work hard dont earn hardly no money every week and i try to be a great daddy like on oprah.i got a kid who is 5 now and he is a good for nuthing but hes my kid and i gotta love him. he loves playing with his cars so i took him to see monster trucks. he got all scared cause of all the noise and firecrackers and stuff and started wining like a girl. so i was a shaking him and yelled to him that i spend a lot of money non him to take him here and if he dont quit his wining and start having a good time. im gonna slap him so hard in the head and give him some real good reson to wine.

well someone at the hot dog stand a heard me sayen this and tells me im a no good dad and to leave the kid alone. i came so close to showing him some respect right then and there but i dont cause im a good dad and dont want to be a bad example infront of the kid. should i have hit the guy infront of the kid?




  1. no you shouldn't have hit the guy that would have been worse and you already were a bad example by being mean just because he was scared. Just because your kid likes cars that doesn't mean he likes monster trucks! Maybe if he saw them on tv and said he wanted to go you could take him but I would have taken him to see speed racer and chuck e cheese! and probably would have saved you some money!!!

  2. Well to be honest, you don't sound like a good dad.  What good dad calls their son "Good for nothing", after I read that statement I just knew you were going to say "he's 20 yrs old" or something like that!   But for him to be only 5!  His mom should never let you keep him.  He is 5!  A lot of 5 yr olds are scared of loud noises.  And you smacked him in the face?!?  Yeah child protective services needs to be contacted about you.  You're already a bad example to your kid so you hitting the man would have made no difference!  I wish someone would smack you in the head.  Try to take some parenting classes

  3. Doesnt sound like your a very nice person to hang out with. No wonder your son got scared, he was probably terrified at having to be with you.

    Sounds like your son would be better off without you

  4. Have you stopped taking your medication?  Your other questions are a bit off the wall as well.

    Find a new hobby.

  5. ok. im not telling you how to raise your son... but taking a 5 yr old to monster trucks... that is a bit much. i would take him to the park or something like that. maybe to see a cartoonish movie... to mc.donalds for lunch and let him play after eating. that kinda thing. as far as yelling him i think that is out of line. im a child who was spanked...i spank... so i dont think that if you spank that is wrong. but others in the world baby their children too much. i think that if i had to choose betweem yelling or spanking, i would spank. i dont remember as a child being spanked... my dad was a yeller and my mom a spanker. i remember my dad calling me stupid and threatening me.

    as far as hitting the guy... i would not worry about him... he came into the world on a rose petal covered bed. he dont know you. worrying about how others want you to raise your son... that will drive you nuts. im a single mom... and i can careless what you say about how im caring for him, you dont buy me anything or make my bills so shut up!

    good luck.

  6. I DONT approve at all... No the guy did not need to learn respect from you, you need to learn it from him and the GOOD DADDYS out there. Have you ever heard shacking a child can give them brain damage. i understand the frustration on the money side of things, you felt you were doing a great thing and you were than shut down. so yeah you were than pissed off. Thats where instead of letting your uncontrollable temper take over you should have thought of ways to comfort him so he can enjoy himself and your money would have been put to good use. eg putting your child on your hip is a good start and explaining the noise would help. that with some ear plugs would have worked a treat!!!! ps i am 24 and hate those places due to the noise, so i can understand a 5 year olds fear.

    NOW ASK YOURSELF:  i may work all day in a **** job which 80% of fathers do, but am i genuinly a good daddy?????????? Do i tend to my childs needs?  

    PS a 5 year old is never good for nothing! they just have not learnt about life yet, and what a great role model he has.

  7. Yep you sound like a bad dad to me of course a 5 yr old is going to get scared of all the noise did you even put earplugs in the kids ears?  The guy was giving his opinion and he should have slapped you like a redheaded stepchild

  8. No. You shouldnt of. The guy was right. You should of just comforted your son. This would of made him feel more secure and enjoy it more.

  9. I smell a troll.

  10. Stop watching Oprah.

  11. Are you serious? Please do not hit a hot dog salesman in front of your child. Not only would it spoil your quality time with the kid you also risk being thrown out by some Mike Tyson geezer and getting a slap for the trouble. You'd also risk spilling some mustard down your expensive Ralf Lauren top. Next time you visit Monster Trucks give me a call and I'll fetch over a few "friends" and we'll sort the b'stard once and for all.

    With regards to your son whining like a girl I think we also need to look at how to "toughen" him up; I know he's only five but how about 2 weeks in the garden shed on a simple diet of nettles?. I have tried this out on my pet donkey and although he died last week he did seem to enjoy it.
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