
Paris on a budget?

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How much will it cost me for 2 nights in Paris in terms of travelling, sightseeing and dining out. I am on a budget so how can I save money and have fun?

I've booked my Eurostar and 3* hotel in Paris for £150 pounds, was it worth it?




  1. Sounds great. Who did you book with?

  2. That sounds like a pretty good deal.  I hope your hotel is centrally located and/or is near a metro station.  Well there is a lot to see that doesn't have to cost a bunch.  Check to see if there are discounted fees for museums (sometimes its cheaper late in the day).  The Tuilieres Garden, Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame and many other sights can be enjoyed for free.

  3. Had you joined the YHA and stayed in their hostel in Paris, your £150 would also have coverd your meals out!

  4. That's a great deal, I went to Paris last year and loved it, going back in two weeks. I am also a student with very little money!! You have to be careful were you go to eat and drink as much of the resturants and bars are tres expensive! However I found the most reasonable bar in Paris, in the heart of Le Marais, the alcohol was cheaper than at home (which is Ireland) and the measures were bigger!! It is called 'Stollys' and it is between the Rue de Rivioli and Rue du Roi de Sicile. From looking at google maps it says the street is called 'Rue Cloche Perce' but it is very small. All the staff are either English or Irish!

    Also, if you are going to be there on Bastille Day 14th July, alot of the major sights are free!

    It would definatly be worth you're while buying a 2 day Paris metro pass, this allows unlimited travel within the city for 2 days and is not overly expensive from what I can remember.

    Hope you enjoy Paris

  5. Louvre museum is free for the first Sunday of the month and on the same day, you can also go Montmartre hill to view Paris from the top - free. Eiffel tower is quite cheap if you don't go up to the top floor. I only went up to the second floor and got a very good view too. I think Saint Chapelle is nice with lots of stained glass. Feel free to see my Paris blog ->

  6. It sounds like you have the lodging down pretty well. I stayed at ETAP in Paris and it was right next to a Metro Station and had a nice little market next to it. I spent all my money on the sites. I saved money on food. Everyday in Paris I had a fabulous raspberry crepe for 3 euros and then ate a baguette, cheese and yogurt for dinner. Lunch was usually just a snack of some fruit or a pastry! The food was still amazing but not so heavy that I felt like I rolled around the city.

  7. Definitely go to the Eiffel Tower and Montmartre.

    You can walk up part of the tower for free but only if you’ve got a head for heights and not on a windy day!!! To me though it is one of the sights worth spending some money on even if you only go to the first floor.

    Montmartre is free – you can walk up the hill and enjoy the view, listen to buskers and see mimes. Then of course you must wander round the square where the artists are (round the back to the left). If you do decide to have your portrait drawn check out a few first – watch them draw other people. Some are brilliant but others are rubbish.

    Try to walk as much as you can rather than take the metro – there is so much to see and atmosphere to soak up. Have picnics at lunch – many streets have market stalls where you can buy fresh produce - bread, cheese, fruit, paté. One of my favourite is rue Cler which isn’t far from the Eiffel Tower and we usually stay in a hotel there. In the evening have a wander round the streets and look at a few restaurants before you choose (it’s part of the fun) – check out the prices, what the food looks like and the atmosphere. Again we eat out every night in a different restaurant around the rue Cler area and have had fabulous food very cheaply.

    If your nick names describes you well then do get a “coupe de glace” for your dessert, one with the full works. Also look out for the patisseries – some are quite expensive but the cakes are exquisite.

    By the way, in case you hadn’t noticed, I’m a big fan of Paris – I met my French husband there 24 years ago!
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