
Parking lights illegal?

by  |  earlier

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i have automatic parking lights so they stay on all the time, but if its illegal to drive with just parking lights on, can i still get pulled over or anything of that matter?




  1. no it not illegal to have them on during the day in fact it can be safer they just mean that you need regular lights at night

  2. No they are not illegal in any state because they are for safety and if they were illegal everyone would be getting a ticket so dont worry.............................

  3. these have a name change they're called daytime running lights(DRL) they are installed on most vehicles after 1996

  4. Driving with parking lights on isn't illegal. What's illegal is to only drive with the parking lights and not headlights at dust til' dawn. Daytime the other car can't see them anyway during the day. Now in some countries there is a front white light that's used in case the head light goes out so the oncoming car can keep it's tracking on you. Of course that has nothing to do with your question. It's just a note.

  5. Check the driver's handbook for the state where you live...If it is illegal, take the vehicle back to the dealer and have it corrected...Usually, vehicles sold in any one state must conform to that state's laws on vehicle operation and specifications.

  6. if your vehicle came out of the MANUFACTURES factory with this device fitted `as Standard` , it will not get you into trouble (any-where).

    ALL Laws and Legislations (in ALL Counties) have allowed for this device , as at the Consent to Sell the Vehicle  

    (through an Authorised Agent/Dealer), with-in its Boundaries and Regulations/Legislations , etc. , etc.

    in short , if it`s allowed to be sold in Oregon .... it`s OKAY for the device to be activated whilst in the Operation of the Vehicle.   same for Washington , same for Tokyo , same for Brisbane...etc.

    it`s a Volvo , isn`t it?

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