
Part ideas?

by  |  earlier

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ok, i need some ideas on wut to do for my birthday this year. Im having a swimming party this year and since im going to be 14 i need some help with stuff to do. do you think my mom would let me do 7 minutes in heaven?




  1. Your mom might let you do seven minutes in depends on how strict she is- my mom wouldnt let me, but our parents are probaly alot different.  

    Is it a boy- girl party?

    Um you could have the chicken fight things (u know where someone sits on the other persons shoulders and try to knock the other people over), have music playing, food, drinks, or diving contests.


  2. I think you should ask your mother. I am sure if you are an honest and trustworthy daughter the she should have no objections. I am sure it will be an all girl party.
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