
Partner parental responsibility?

by Guest45143  |  earlier

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My Daughter is about to turn five, her father walked out on us when she was one and we have not heard or seen him since, he doesn't pay maintenance and he doesn't have parental responsibility, although he is named on the birth certificate. He was also a violent alcoholic. My current partner and I are getting married next year and I would like for him to either adopt or have parental responsibility for her. Do I have to find the biological dad, he really had nothing to do with her even when he was around as the drink was more important. She calls my partner Dad and they have a real father daughter relationship that is extremely close and I don't want this ruined. Can anyone offer any help?




  1. the biological father named on the birth certificate must release his custodial legal rights and obligations and give his consent to have your current partner adopt her to make it legal

  2. i think PLM is correct on that one.

    some men are such dogs , huh?

    his loss, not yours.

    enjoy her, and I'm glad he has a dad.

    hope you guys stay together forever and give your daughter a great life.

  3. as he is not the biological father no court can force him to do anything, so yeah you need her real dad for that

  4. Well, if the biological father doesn't have any parental rights, then the man who's really being a father to her will not need the biological father's input.

  5. PLM is pretty much spoton

  6. I don't think that the biological dad is interested with the baby so I don't think theirs a problem.Goodluck.

  7. Well i would of thought 'how would i find him?' & why the bloody h**l should i? I would maybe double check with citizens advice of where you both stood & then take it from there, he hasn't wanted to know so you get on with your lifes & that it'll be a happy one for your child, but i would say that dont hide it from your child who her real father is as it will cause major probs in the future so at least it'll all be in the open & no-one will get hurt, good luck!!

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