
Parttime workers rights / must know ! ?

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it's mah first job. There are some partime worker's laws that I not know of . Is there any laws that I must know of ? Like.. how many minutes I allow to get break ? How many break do I have ? Do I have sick day and vacation. My boss is not a good boss. She won't tell me these stuffs.




  1. since you are part time, you are not entitled to any sick days or vacation days with pay.  

    if you want to keep your job stop asking for hand outs and work hard.  once you do that, you might be given a raise and more responsibility.  it's your first job. work hard.  

  2. Part time employees aren't guaranteed many benefits except for getting the amount of money agreed on for the amount of work done. Usually their is no sick leave, annual leave (vacation time), breaks, etc.  Some employers will give a 15 minute break for every 4 hours of work, but this is not mandatory. The idea is that if you are part-time you don't need a break since you'll be getting off work at the time you would need a break. If your employer or boss hasn't offered you a break, you need to ask him if he would allow one. There is no law he has to provide it, so be nice about requesting it.

  3. Your state has a labor commission or a department of labor.  You can access the labor laws through the department's web site.  Then you can find out for yourself what your state does or does not require.

    In most states, the only part-time workers who get breaks are workers under the age of 18 who work 5 hours or more in a shift.  This isn't true in ALL states, so you have to go to your state's web site to find out where your state stands.

    Bear in mind that employers are never required to pay you for your break time.  If you get a 15-minute break because you are scheduled to be there for 5 hours, you only get paid for 4 hours and 45 minutes.  Some employers will pay for break time, even though they don't have to.

    No employer is required to give paid sick days or paid vacation days to  employees, either part-time OR full-time.  This is why sick days and vacation days are called employee BENEFITS.  Most employers give paid sick days and paid vacation days only to full-time workers, and you usually have to be full-time for six months or more before you're allowed to take paid vacation time.  

    So there you are.  No breaks required by state law unless you are under 18 and work more than a state-specified number of hours, which varies by state.  No paid breaks required at any time.  No paid vacation or sick days ever required, and almost never offered to anyone other than full-time employees.

    mah?  I not know?  I allow to get?  stuffs?  Honey, writing is a major factor in the ability to get and keep a good job.  If this is truly a sample of your writing skills, you seriously need to consider remedial classes in grammar and writing.  A resume and cover letter with spelling and grammatical errors will get tossed in the trash and you'll never even get an interview.  If you go to college, and if you go to a GOOD college, the inability to write will get you failing grades on essay exams, papers, and other written projects even if you know the material.  If you can't express your knowledge clearly and coherently, in full sentences and well-constructed paragraphs, then you aren't judged as having learned.

    So please educate yourself.  You can't support a family and raise kids on minimum wage jobs with no benefits.

  4. for most part time jobs there is no break. i worked part time at a busy fast food place and never got a break. so more than likely, you'll have none unless your working 8+ hours a day. you do not get paid for sick days or your vacation. you will have to clear things up with your manager to have any time off at all, and they are the ones who tell you how long you can have. but like i said, you do not get paid. you really need to ask your boss about these. im sure if u just asked they would tell you, its not like they would ignore you. they are investing in you because they think you will be a good asset to the company. so of course they are going to want to answer your questions. what job is it? good luck!

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