
Party with Friends?

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I am planning a little get together at my apartment with a few of my high school friends. Any ideas for a fun time? Games? Alcohol? Food?




  1. naked.........that is all.

  2. I agree that if you are underaged, then don't offer drinks... also if it's at your apartment you dont want to risk getting it trashed completely.

    Have a twister set already out in one corner and hire out a ps2 with singstar or a dance mat going. Don't have games that are only 1 player unless you know everyone is going to crowd around for support. You can also have the usual spin the bottle, strip poker etc.. although you may need alcohol supplied for that one.

    Drag racing is good fun. You dress the boys up in womens clothing, and they have to run about the room in stillettos.

    Keep the food simple and known. Sausage rolls, pasties, all that jazz. If you want you can have some sushi etc out, but make sure there are simple meals aswell, some people are too boring to try new things. has tonnes of good recipes, check them out for more ideas. Pizza is also a good idea..

    Obvious, make sure you have a good sound system working. Theres nothing worse than having a tinsy little radio blurting out songs that weren't even a hit when your grandmother was a "spring chicken"

    Ask your friends to bring along some music, pop it all into itunes, and hit shuffle. I have logitech speakers and find that they are the best quality for the cheapest price.. maybe one of your friends will have some?

  3. well it depends , if some of your friends are male , well you can do the get naked game and later on having s*x with each other ,  but if ure a'll female ill suggest that ya'll play some kinda spirit game .... u know like evp  stuffs ....

  4. skip the drinking your not old enough and could get busted for underage drinking try dancing instead

  5. yesyesyesyes

  6. It all depends on how much money you are willing to spend. I usually like to throw last minute parties and they are usually chill and laid back. I tend to party hard at others houses due to the immense amount of post-cleaning.


    But if you want classy. Smoked Salmon is good with crackers. Shrimp Cocktail. A fruit platter. A vege platter.

    Or chips and dip is good. You could do the classic tostitos chips with salsa or get some hummas. Nuts are good. Or yogurt covered pretzels in a dish.


    Alcohol. I almost always have a wine option at my party. White and Red. So, Riesling and Shiraz (two very likelable white and red wines.

    Premium Vodka (or good vodka) for Vodka and Cranberry. Beer. Rum and Coke. Tequlla. Or by flavored Vodka and get fruit juices the same so that you can have variety. And my personal soft favorite, Malibu Rum (white) and Pineapple.


    We usually have an ipod going in the back ground we talk about the most provacative things ever. It makes things much more fun. Cards are good. Ofcourse classic board games but be creative. I looooove to play Apples to Apples.

    I hope it all works out well.

  7. I think what makes and breaks parties of this nature these days is participation.  Find some games to get everyone involved and having fun.  Get people out of their comfort zones and having a laugh at themselves and each other and it will be a night not soon forgotten
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