
Party!helpppp plz?

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okay well my 16th birthday party is in a week

and yes there will be drinking

and i know people may say its a bad idea...but its been my choice to have it there.

anyway how can i stop gate crashes?

its invite only but that isnt going to stop people

and what food can i have there?because i dont just want the usural pizza,party pies,sassage rolls,sassages,chips,dips n fruit either.

i wanted something diffrent

also there will be like 45 ish people there

do you think i should still do the cake

or leave it as a family thing?

coz people will get getting drunk

what do i do if they start vomiting? have a vommit corner?(its out side the party)also im scared people are going to get really bored!!what do i do about that? and do you reacon decoration at his age is stupid and that i shouldnt.also what is a good punch?tropical,stawberrie e.x.t!? also last question ... should i register it with the police n what will that do...will it make them come and cheak all the time and annoy us?thnx




  1. Dont Worry If Theyre All Your Mates

    You'll Have A Ace Time

    Just Mkae Sure Theres Enough  Drink

    An Just Like Get Some Pizzas , ino Youu Dont Want Them

    But Theyre Easy An Everyone Will Probs

    Be Too Drunk Too Care Anyway.

    Then All You Need Is To Get Rele Loud Music

    An Some Lights (: x

  2. Okay first thing to say is you are thinking waay to much into things. A birthday party is to have fun and to celebrate your birthday not to worry about.

    If you are worrying about people getting drunk only buy enough alcohol for people to get tipsy not completely drunk. I'm usually the person that looks after people if they are drunk so if you have a reliable person who doesn't get drunk ask them to keep an eye on people - if people are sick on the grass or patio then its easy enough to wash away.

    If there are gate crashers then ask (if you have one) an older brother, friends brother, cousin etc. If you still have a problem with gate crashers call the police.

    If people are getting drunk i wouldn't worry to much with food - remember finger food is always the best type of food.

    I would leave the cake as a family thing as it could get ruined, plus it'll be more special with them.

    If you have good up-to-date loud music then you can dance to it! Trust me people won't get bored!

    I still think a few decorations will look good - if it's outside get a marquee, put lights up and have a few balloons and it will look really nice.

    Archers and Lemonade with slices of Lemons and Limes is really nice. OR you could have pimm's.

    And to be honest i wouldn't register with them because you are underage drinking.

    Hope this helps. And have fun! x

  3. stop worrying! all partys are fun.

    yes leave the cake as a family and close friends thing.

    if your friends get too drunk call their parents to take them home.

    you Will get very stressed.

    i find the best way to stop gate crashers is to get bands or something made so you can see who is supposed to be there and who isnt. otherwise remove them by other means.

    there is a real nice punch. its along the lines of fanta, vodka and another type of juice of your choice then cut up bits of fruit into it! taste's lush!

    pepple will be sick so befor the party tell Everyone that if they are going to be sick to go out side away from the party. or get a porta loo.

    hope that helps have a good party x
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