
Passport expiration question?

by  |  earlier

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My question is that I'm an Italian national living in the UK with my family and our passports expire on the 23th of this month (November) but I contacted the embassy to renew the passport but they gave me an appointment for mid-January. Would there be any problems if my passport is expired until the date of the appointment? or would I be treated like if I was illegal? I've been living in the UK for 9 years and I'm Italian (therefore I have an EU passport).





  1. Do not see a problem providing you have written confirmation of the aforesaid appointment for next year.

  2. There is no problem with the expiration of your passports if you notified in advance the embassy of the date.  Keep a record of the notification in case a problem arises.

  3. no, i do not see why it would cause you any problems? unless you were about to leave the UK for a trip ?you would then have problems, otherwise you are okay, it is sort of strange that the embassy would not process your passport sooner? that what consulates are for;

    no, you will not be illegal,

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