
Past Life Question?

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I don't understand the past life thing. Can you please explain it to me. Does the theory of past life go against christianity? How do you find out about your past life? Do you always come back as a human?




  1. It is against Christian belief and against other monotheistic religion as well. I think only hindu people believe in past life and according to them you have 7 lives and you not necessarily be a human everytime. They believe its based on your deeds it get decided what you will be in next life. I.e. human, animal etc

  2. Yes, it does go against Christianity. You only die once on earth.

  3. Its when you lived before in another time, it does not go agaisn't chirstianity, or at least that what our pastor says, I am not sure exactly how you find out about your past life and yes you always come back as a human.

  4. Past life has the belief that humans return to earth to live again. Some religions believe that if you were a bad person, you may return as a lower animal or insect and have to prove yourself to become human again and try to obtain heaven. However, how does a cockroach prove themselves? Some religions believe that you are simply reborn with memories of your past life. Some people use hypnosis to actually go back in time and find out about their past life. Not sure I would pay a person to do that and not sure I would believe the results. On famous person in history that did believe in past life and thought he was descended from roman generals was. General Patton in WWII.

         Belief in past life is not Christian. In Christian believe, when you die you go to one of three places....heaven, h**l or purgatory. Funny thing is, try to find heaven or h**l described in the Holy Bible. I hope this helped. All my best to you.

  5. There isn't a "theory of past life", there is only wild and unsupported speculation.

    Reincarnation is part of the Hindu belief system, but is not part of the Christian belief system.  (Though I am a total skeptic about it, it is one of the more appealing ideas.  I actually think it would be very cool if we did.)

    Western interest in past lives started in the 1940's (?? may have the wrong decade) with the story of Bridey Murphy.  Look this up on  Her case was completely debunked, as has every past life claim that has ever been investigated.

    There is no evidence at all that we reincarnate. There is no evidence at all that there is anything other than this current life.  People who claim otherwise are basing it on faith and speculation, not facts.

  6. Okay.

    Yes it says in the bible that when you die you go to heaven or h**l.  I myself am a christian but dont believe that.  I believe of more the budda religion when it comes to that.  Only because they say that you do incarnate.  I think everyone is able to remember there past life they just choose to. Sometimes though theyll think its just there imagination when they think of off the wall things like them dying somehow.  I myself know what I was and how I died but I dont even like thinking about it because it makes me cry.  Yes i believe you always come back human until you completly find out about your spiritual self.  If you dont your back to the 3rd dimensional world youve always known:)

  7. theory of past life has nothing to do with christianity. its a scientific explanation,but its very complicated to explain here

    you can find out about your past lives through hypnotism. my granfather once made this brazilian guy start speaking german perfectly while hypnotized, because in a past life he was a german soldier in war

    so go see a hypnotist :)

  8. According to Hinduism and Buddhism the body reincarnates as many times as is necessary, through many different forms, to acsend mortal life. In hinduism especially, it is widely believed that you can come back as many different life forms. In fact most hindu revere animals like rats or bats or cows because they believe that mistreating them would mean they are mistreating their ancestors.

    Many native americans believe that the universe is composed of different worlds and each world ends to create another. With 7 seven worlds we are suppose to be on the 5th. That could be seen as a form of reincarnation.

    The Catholic Church, does not officially recognize any form of reincarnation. Nor does any major sect of Christianity. But it also depends on how you view reincarnation. In the litteral sense reincarnation doesn't mean anything other than being born again. Therefore if you die and are born again in heaven or h**l, then that could be considered reincarnation.

  9. There are lots of ideas about past lives, but in general the thought that reincarnation is a reality does exist in several religions, and there is enough evidence to make the question valid, though there can be no conclusions drawn based on what's been presented so far.

    The theory of past lives doesn't go against anything specific in the Bible. There are many people who believe that because it's never mentioned, however, that it must not exist. Pity the Bible doesn't mention computers or France. Those certainly don't exist, by that logic.

    Some religions that believe in past lives believe that you always come back as a human, and some also believe that people come back as other animals, as well. At least one pre-Christian religion (the Nordic belief) believes that past life memories are the result of ancestral memories that are passed down generation to generation.

    So far as finding out about past lives, it depends on what you believe is the best route for you. To date, nobody's given absolutely conclusive proof that could be corroborated with research, or which the person giving the proof could not have had access to prior to making the claim. If this could be done, it would prove that there's something solid to look into. To date, nobody's been able to.

  10. If this question is looking a scientific answer then I dont know. However if religious answer is allowed then Hinduism believe in re-incarnation(re-birth).

    However re-birth may not be in human form.

    Depending on the sins commited before death dictates the form of re-birth either as human or perhaps a plant or even something in the animal kingdom.

    Explain this belief scientifically maybe not be possible in our lifetime, perhaps time travel might be needed to looking into the person past or future to answer the question and time travel mean travelling at the speed of light.

    Travelling as speed of light would be breaking down matter into electron and then re-configuring the atom and electron back into original state much like STAR TREK transporter.


    Hope this helps.



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  11. Yes, the idea of past lives (some say reincarnation) is that one has lived another life (as someone else) before your current life. The idea is often used in past life regression hypnosis to deal with issues that a person can not (or will not) find a cause for in their current life. While accepting the results of anything under hypnosis as fact is probably not  good idea it has been used with success to treat phobias and other mental health issues.

    Extensive evidence for past lives was collected and evaluated by Dr. Ian Stevenson (deceased) at the medical school at the University of Virginia.

    His research mainly investigated very young children that could recall past lives and provide supporting evidence like information not known to them or their families.

    Regarding Christianity it simply depends. For instance Catholics and Baptist (both Christians) don't share all of the same beliefs. I would ask your pastor/priest or Bishop about if your faith had any stance on reincarnation.

    The concept of Reincarnation was removed from the Bible and other church records during a very early and politically  turbulent time for the Catholic Church. However, it was originally part of the doctrine of the Catholic church.

    The only way as an adult to explore past lives is probably through hypnosis (children talk about it without prompting)

    and be aware that hypnosis is a highly suggestible state and nothing should be taken as "proof" that you might recall. However, it might allow you to examine your current life from a different perspective.

    In many religions like Hinduism no you do not always come back as human you are punished for deeds by coming back as lower life forms and rewarded for deeds by being a higher life form. In fact you do not always come back once you have achieved all your lessons you are absorbed into the essence of God (in Hinduism).

    Most Christians believe that only humans have souls and thus only humans can reincarnate.

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