
Paternity fraud?

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With how rampant paternity fraud is in America do you think it would be insulting to your partner(or to you if your a girl) to demand a paternity test if she got pregnant? Even if your married?

And if it came back as not your's would you dump her?

(if he found out about it what would you do?-baby already born-)




  1. I would be very hurt!  I would go ahead and do the test, partly out of pride, and  we would definitely have to work on those trust issues!

    That being said- parternity fraud isn't rampant in Australia.

  2. Personally, if I were asked to take a paternity test I'd find it very insulting.  For me s*x is a special and personal thing and if you're sleeping with someone you should have a special loving and trusting relationship.  If you're worried that the person you're with is being unfaithful than you shouldn't be sleeping with them in the first place.

  3. would you depend on trust and councelling for everything

    I am sure you want society to have laws in place regarding marriage, alimony, child support and divorce.  why not on paternity as well?

  4. If these men want to avoid potential problems, then all they have to do is to not have s*x. It's clear from a couple of posters that they should never consider marriage or even parenthood, for that matter. That's because they have little confidence in women or are attracted to the wrong types. If a man insisted I sign a pre-nuptual agreement, I would bail out. It shows he has little confidence and expects the marriage to fail.

  5. Who cares if the woman gets upset. It should be a mandatory and automatic response by any man.

    Women have made it far too necessary by their loose morals and middle front.

    Yes dump unless you are truly an idiot.

  6. I just posted a question about this topic, nowdays there are three things that a man in America should ALWAYS do before and after the marriage

    1) the first is to sign a pre nup, the law in America clearly favors women when it comes to divorce and if a man does not have any form of protection before the marriage he is likely to be sodomized in court and lose half of his property and kids to a woman who might not necessarily make a better parent than him,moreover he will be stuck paying child support and alimny too

    2) Get a paternity test early, there are no laws protecting men from paternity fraud, if a man finds out about the fraud too late he will still be required to pay child support therefore everyman should have DNA testing done early that way he can leave and avoid getting screwed over by the biased system

    3)Be prepared for the worse: things have changed nowdays you never know when a divorce is coming and how it will happen, there are tons of reasons a woman can divorce a man and a lot of times these reasons are not clearly defined (for instance not giving your wife s*x when you are not in the mood can be construed as "emotional neglect") therefore men should always be prepared for the worse because women have become unpredictable when it comes to marriage, in the modern society everything is expected of the man but very little is expected from his female counter part and this is reflected in our current judicial system as well, men should be prepared legally,financially and emotionally for the worse especially in the western world.

  7. Always always ALWAYS get a paternity test!  If it's yours, great!  But if it's not...  DTB and run.  

    DTB = dump that b****

    As far as I know, if you request a paternity test no support can be forced out of you until one is done.  That is, assuming that you haven't started paying already (that's a bad thing to do, get tested first).

    As as far as the prenups go.  NEVER EVER EVER get married without one.  The government should keep their dirty fingers out of our personal lives.  As a man, you should always have a signed prenup for marriage.  If she refuses then it's obvious what she's up to.  Best to keep her at arms length or even further at that point.

  8. A very interesting question.  If I got pregnant and my husband demanded a paternity test, I would be at least a little hurt.  But I would comply because I love him and have nothing to hide.  I might ask him to go to couples counseling with me to work on trust.

  9. I am working on stopping voluntary acknowledgments of paternity. Let everyone get a test so that kids know who their parents are.

    There is massive child theft in the USA

  10. No I would not get upset because i only had ONE man in my life. so it would not upset me.  even his OWN parents who wanted to show he was NOT the father even said it was his just by looking at her. he is NOT paying support. just thought I would head that off fast.

    But YES i think if there is a question about who the Father is he has the RIGHT to know. and I think the woman should understand just my 2 cents worth. God Bless
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