
Patlin is she presidential material?

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She will have women who have been raped carrying their child full term or was raped by their father. So the child can be malformed by inbreeding. She then thinks its your duty then to adopt out the baby. Can you imagine, you carry your fathers child for nine months of h**l and then you give it up and then the baby finds out all about the family tree sick isnt it? She is trouble and a liar God help you all.




  1. How is she diffrent from any other democrat that has ran in a election. She's a trouble and a liar? We have all lied! PALIN!!!!

  2. Patin is not presidential material for a lot of reasons: lack of a good education---I'm sorry, a degree in journalism doesn't cut it in Washington---her admission that she doesn't follow what is going on in Iraq, her social conservative views that she would want the whole country to live under, her view that living 'green' is non-sense, her support of the NRA---they have had too much control over D.C. already. (School kids don't need assault weapons.) Her wanting creationism in schools, but not s*x education. There are lots of other reasons why she shouldn't be in the Oval Office but mostly it's because she's not qualified.

    Having endured months of Obama's name being misspelled on purpose it's really funny to see so many people criticizing the misspelling of Palin's.

  3. I'm not a fan of McCain or Palin.

    But I would prefer better spelling and grammar - especially of the candidate's last name.

  4. I know from another question that you answered here that you are a liberal but you are also CANADIAN.  It's bad enough that you had to get up on your leftist soapbox (and then had the gall to say "God help you all," as if you even acknowledge Him in the first place) but you're bee-otching about something that is none of your freakin' business.  We certainly don't need you to tell us how to run our country, and we don't care about your uninformed opinion on one of our vice-presidential candidates.  BOTTOM LINE:  STFU, eh?

  5. I am still trying to figure out what your question was.  It appears to be ranting with nonsense.  The Presidency or Vice Presidency does not give the person authority to dictate a persons rights.  The abortion issue is not a big issue in this election.  Using this type of tactic to slander Palin in dumb.    The issues as I see them, the economy, gas prices, food prices, protecting our borders.  Stopping the outsourcing of our good paying jobs.  Calling Customer Service for just about anything and talking to a person who does not speak english.  Those are my issues and John McCain has in place people who can help with these issues.  The DNC does not.  The word "Change" needs to be more than a slogan.

  6. Personally I like her. I think McCain made the right choice. And here is why, she is going to guarantee the Democratic win.

    Obama 2008

  7. No.

    And she won't others feel that in a month McCain will have a new

    running mate. But the damage is done.

    His judgment has been shown to be true. He is a very very very matured elderly person and it is showing.

    He is not his mothers son with the genes. Unfortunately they were damaged in the war. And he himself can't recognized this. Someone should tell him, that isn't taking money from his side.

  8. a normal human being would want to murder their rapist, not an innocent baby.

  9. Unclench.  The VP or even the President can't tell you what to do with your uterus.  All they can do is suggest a Supreme Court Justice and that will take a while.  In the mean time...try not to get raped.

    You're a freaking Canadian?  Buzz off then.

  10. that's very morbid, to consider McCain is dying soon

    lets not count the chickens before the eggs hatch

  11. You're wrong in your blathering about Palin's views on abortion.  Try reading something besides blogs and the Huff and Puff Press.

  12. Killing the innocent product of a rape would be like killing the witness to a crime. There would be two tradgedies rather than only one.

    In a closed adoption, the baby would never come to know it's past.

    God did help us when she was named VP.

    Please give an example of her lying...?

    Her name is PALIN, by the way.

  13. Of course not.  The more I find out about her the more I am scratching my head over McCain's decision on this one.

    Good god.... there are much more qualified women in the Republican party.... tons more.  This is like picking the PTA president for your running mate.

  14. yea shes pretty nuts but i thought her name was "palin" hehe

    sry just kidding

    yea, i cant stand her, obama all the way :)

  15. Palin needs to go back home and stop her daughter from having s*x and drinking underage and plan for how she's gonna pay for six kis and a youing daddy living with them.

  16. I thought the issue of abortion was settled in Roe Vs Wade. who cares what anyone thinks about it anymore? who is going to overturn a supreme court ruling? so your voting for Obama, why slander and misjudge soomeone who has lived by her convictions, just cast your vote, lose, and complain for the next four years like the rest of the losers

  17. I have never seen her make that statement, please give a link, other then Huffington Post or Daily KOS, a real media link.  

    What has she lied about?

    She's against abortion.  So what.  The Supreme Court is the only ones that can overturn it and they haven't yet and they won't.  

    Get real.

  18. Yes, she is presidential material, and her name is Palin, not Patlin.  The rest of your rant is not cohesive enough to answer.

  19. are you the child from your mother's grandfather?

    This is who votes for Obama; No clue, no understnading, no problem - Obama 08.

    Hey yahoo nation, wake up, the future of freedom is counting on you.

  20. I think she will be great as VP and if it came to it a good president.  


  22. she is definitely NOT v presidential material. Its pretty hypocritical how McCain has criticized Obama for have little experience. When he appoints a women that has NO experience whats so ever.

    Its also extremely unfortunate for this country to consist of citizens that have little or limited consciousness about important issues.

    its very upsetting to think that their is a possibility that women wouldn't have the rights they deserve and birth control would be limited.

  23. YES, she's just what this country needs a breath of fresh air for once something to look forward too

  24. First you need to learn to spell her name.

    Yes, she is!!!

  25. NO! God no.

  26. Look at what you wrote and how you wrote it. Is this the stuff that goes threw your head on a daily basis? your sick . You need professional help. Hypothetical and revocable accusations are not the way to decide a determining factor in who a person really is .However since these are your very words you have given us a pretty decent idea in who you are. As I recall she said she is against it but will leave it to local and state governments to make the protocol .  

  27. Are you saying Ann Dunham should have aborted her baby?

  28. I agree with you. She's pretty looney, why one earth would any woman want to be forced to carry a baby that was conceived through rape? That's just awful.

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