
Paul Pierce??? WTF!!!!!!?

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Ok i know this is a big topic right now on people asking if they think Paul Pierce is better than Kobe. C'mom, seriously, Pierce is a great player and Kobe was still great in the finals just his team struggled. When you got all the coaches and most of the NBA players saying that Kobe is the best player in the NBA and everybody that plays with him and that coaches him say he is ridiculous, than you know that he is the best player in the world. Seriously stop hating on Kobe, you can't deny he is the best player even if you don't like him. Show the well deserved respect. And don't talk about Kobe's alleged rape and asked to be traded and compare Kobe with MJ. MJ bet on basketball as well as cheated on his wife as well so stop hatin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. i agree with you but peice is a pretty good  but kobe is way better

  2. Come on now everybody in the world knows Kobe is the best player in the nba and possibly the world. He is great. People hate on Kobe because they don't like him not having to do with anything about basketball. My thing is that Paul Pierce stepped it up in the finals. I'm not saying he's better than Kobe but He did enough for his team to win. Paul showed heart and not that Kobe didn't but he doesn't have another ring to show it.

  3. Kobe had his chance to prove he's the best but could'nt.  Paul outplayed Kobe so he can say what he want.  You Kobe jocker cry about everthing like a little baby.

    LJ's fans says LJ is better then Kobe.  CP3 fans says CP3 is better then Kobe.  MJ's fans say MJ is better then Kobe.  Quite crying about everything.  I've never seen any thing in print that say Kobe is the GOAT and you Kobe jocker posted 10,000 times a day on Yahoo Answer that Kobe is the GOAT and then when people disagree you cry.  LOL.

    It's about time a player say what on his mind.  I bet LJ think he is the best.  Same goes to CP3, KG, Amare, Dwight, Shaq.  They just didn't say doesn't mean they don't think they are the best.

  4. who said anything about peirce won the final MVP?

  5. Paul pierce has never been apart of a winning team since last year. I agree he is a good player, but it was because of the great cast of players on the team that he was able to win the finals MVP and even have that chance to make that comment. Kobe is much better, as you can see from the previous years Kobe has been able to single handedly lead his team to the playoffs every year.

  6. Paul Pierce isn't even one of the top 10 players in the league. thats just stupid

  7. Paul Pierce isn't even one of the top 10 players in the league

  8. When Paul Pierce made that comment why didn't he explain why the celtics had the worst record in the league last year? He was suppose to carry that team and they had the WORST record. He's not even the best player on his team if it wasn't for Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen the celtics would've had another top 5 pick this year

  9. I definitely believe him, and about 100 other players claiming that they are the "best".....

    Actually as of right now, I would consider Paul Pierce the best after this 2007-2008 season, because he did help win the NBA Championship, he averages over 20 ppg., he's given so much blood, sweat & tears to this sport and he also is popular among fans, which is a good selling point.

    I would not consider Kobe "the best" in 2007-2008, because his rings were "old news" and he did not win them this season. Kobe was "the best" during those seasons he won the NBA Championship, but Michael Jordan deserves the label of "Best of All Time", because of his overall performance and NBA Championship wins.

    Next year, who knows? Maybe there will be a new team to win the championship for 2008-2009 and a star may emerge as next season's "Best". I'm not taking Paul Pierce's claim to heart, but based on his performance, he has the right to claim something because he has a ring.

  10. He is promoting next years match up his comments were made to sell tickets and stir up interest in the NBA

  11. F*#@ Paul Pierce he is no longer a LA Member.

  12. Paul Pierce is definitely not better than Kobe. I can't believe he said that on Yahoo about Kobe. That just makes me dislike him even more.

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