
Paying for college - Methods?

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Okay, here's the thing...

My BF is having trouble figuring out how he can plan to go to college next year.

The loans he has tried to take out were rejected because his parents filed bankrupt about 7 years ago.

He does not qualify for financial aid

His grades are not up enough to aim for good scholarships.

What other ways might he be able to pay for college?




  1. I think a student loan would be the only other option...

  2. do good on your meaps for some extra scholarship money

    go to and try out those scholarships.. theres TONS and like a million added daily.

    start talking to the college now with letters of recomendations from teachers and old bosses to get a work study program and work while your at school... these jobs typically dont offer a lot of hours but help

    work over the summer and saveeeeeeeeeeee  really really save the money. this MIGHT cover the cost of atleast books and supplies for a couple semesters... also always always buy USED books or try out websites like

    also id suggest not going away to school... your bf could start at a community college and continue saving money for a year and then transfer

    good luck!!

    oh yea! i just remembered my fried who didnt qualify for financial aid because of their parents.. i cannot remember what she had to do but there is some sort of either loan or grant that gives (loans) money to students whose parents are unable to help..  i believe if starts with a P lol.. just look into it.

  3. He doesn't even qualify for the Stafford loan? Wow, are you sure?

    Getting a second job and saving everything is really the only option then.

  4. Everyone qualifies for federal "financial aid" in the form of student loans.  He does not need a cosigner or have to pass a credit check to take out a Stafford loan.... he can not be defaulted on previous student loans and must be a us citizen or eligible non citizen.

    Apply at

  5. Most colleges allow for work studies.  Depending on the field that he is interested in, the college may have a program that will let him work off some of the financial burden. Even though he does not qualify for financial aid, the financial aid office people are really good at helping you find a way to pay for higher education. So just talk with them about your options.

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