
Paying off old bills.....?

by  |  earlier

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I'm currently a contractor in Iraq and in the year I've been here, I've paid off both my credit cards, laptop and old car, but I have some "old bills" that still linger. Y'know the usual-- an insurance company says I owe them for damage to a clients car, my old bank says i owe them for closing my account while in the red, cell phone company from a year ago...yadda yadda yadda...ANYWAY, Last month during R&R, I bought a new car with no co-signer and also got an American Express card approved, so I know my credit can't be hurting too much. My question is this....if I pay those "old bills" now, am I just throwing that money away and/or how much can that really help? Would I be better off just paying off my car early and on time? Personally, I like the "ignore them and hope they go away" approach, but I'd like to get ya'lls opinion....thanks




  1. pay the bills as they  can take the belongings of your house away  

  2. You already know the answer to your question or else you wouldn't have asked.  Pay the bills.  You owe the money and you have the ability to pay so just do it.  After all, if the money were owed to you, you would want it paid.  The last thing you want is to come back to the US and get served for a lawsuit which you will lose.

  3. Well, personally money is tight for everyone at the moment.

    If they aren't hassling you still for the money, why do you want to pay it?

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