
Paying tithes as a married couple?

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My husband believes strongly in paying his tithes. He's in Iraq. He sends money to his mom's church every month to pay tithes. Then there's me. I, too, believe in paying tithes. What I'm not sure about is this: when he sends his money to the church, the church assumes its only from him since he doesn't include my name.

I got to a different church than my mother in law. My husband says that I should pay tithes too from the money I take from our account every month. What I want to know is this, when he pays tithes, is he paying for the both of us or am I required to pay too? I don't work so his income is our income. I hope this isn't too confusing. Please provide cited sources if possible when answering.




  1. my husband doesn't contribute to our church any more because we donated very much and we are older and we need our money for retirement.  We like our alone time.  charity begins at home.

  2. You pay 10% on your have no income, so you don't tithe.  The money your husband makes should be considered "your" money...jointly.

    Don't worry about it...ya'll are doing it right!

  3. Since you are not employed, the tithes are on behalf of you and your husband, not just him!  The money should be given to the church that you attend while he away. . .Even if he is a member of his mothers church, that shouldn't matter. You are the spouse and you should be the one that is doing the tithing...

  4. Since traditionally, you are supposed to tithe 10% of your income, just split it and tithe 5%each, or whatever he tithes you could match if you'd like.  I would not worry about whether the church knows whether it is half from you, but God knows, and that is what is important.

  5. forget about it

  6. The so called "tithes" that your husband pays is good enough.

    The church gets plenty.

    Feel good about what your husband pays.

    You can't buy your way to salvation.

    If you feel this is not enough, how bout volunteering for your church, this is so much better than money.

  7. Put both your names on the tithing envelope and call it good.  

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