
Peanut butter and jelly..?

by  |  earlier

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That's peanut butter and jam I guess? The combo sounds crazy, does it really taste good?!




  1. Ok lol, YOU HAVE NEVER HAD PB&J?? oh girl, you have been missing alot come to the U.S Lol,  

    Fish and chips is- Fish and Fries right?

    What are suger sarnies and Cor blimey!?

    You know what sounds good right now, a toasted bagel with jam and cream cheese yumm!

    You know what, i will personally pay for your plane ticket out to the u.s because you need to try all the great food you are missing out on lol!

    EDIT* Ok, me and you switch places for a week, i want to experience life in england and you need to come here to eat some pb&j and other food they dont have in england lol

  2. Believe me, it's not nearly as bad as it sounds!

    It's actually quite delicious =]

    I remember when we first moved over here and my neighbor's mom made PB&J for everyone-I was so grossed out by the idea but didn't want to be the "weird girl next door who wouldn't eat PB&J" so I ate it-low and behold it was brill! lol.

    Seriously though-Bananas and sugar sandwitches=wonderful! Bananas+peanut butter+sugar is goodness as well. I am not a fan of mayonnaise though, blech!

    I don't understand the whole "jelly" thing myself. I've always called it "jam". hmmm. It's pretty much like the "chips-crisps-fries" ordeal, lol.

  3. why would the combo sound crazy. it tastes excellant. i like jelly better (without seeds) but if you got peanut butter where ever you are try it,  then after you decided that its good take another bite and then before chewing that bite, pop a potato chip in your mouth and chew them up together (even better). heres another good combo. get a bowl and put a couple spoons of peanut butter in it and then add like a 1/4 cup of maple syrup to the peanut butter and stir to combine and put that on bread or graham crackers mmmmm peanut butter and honey is goood too...but to anwer your question, i think it's the sweetness that makes it so good  

  4. Yep

  5. I forget, as an American, that not everyone in the world knows the goodness of a good ol' fashioned PBJ like we do.  I have eaten it my whole life.  But there is a formula.  You can't have too much peanut butter or too much jam/jelly because it won't taste right.

    My rule of thumb is two tablespoons peanut butter, 1 tablespoon jelly.  And then, if you're feeling really adventurous, try adding different things to peanut butter.  It's amazing how many things go with it.  I personally have tried the following things in combo with PB: bananas, Nutella (HEAVEN), salty potato chips, marshmallows, pickles (eh), honey (another favorite) and...please don't be grossed out...mustard.  Just plain yellow mustard.  I KNOW, I KNOW it sounds gross but I've been eating it since I was little and I promise it's yummy, if you like those two things.  The peanut butter is sweet, the mustard is a little tangy and it  I swear.  The few friends of mine over the years brave enough to try eat now love it.

  6. Jam is even better.

    *jumping up and down with the cute dog*

  7. I eat peanut butter and jam all the time.  It's great !  I'm not sure why people call it peanut butter and "jelly" when most people use jam !  It tastes good because you're mixing the salt from peanuts with the sweet sugar of jam and humans tend to like things that are both sweet and salty at the same time !

  8. yes go try it......IMMEDIATELY

    you wont be sorryyyyy

  9. Indeed it does

    Soph you wont really know why they taste good unless you have one for yourself.

    oh come on Soph, it's not like it's going to kill you......

    Oops didn't take that into consideration

    haha.The one time you consider eating it you're clean out

  10. I have recently come back from a vacation in USA and I was given some, it does sound awful but really it does taste very very nice. You really taste the Jam but the taste of the Peanut butter (or paste) does not really hit you until you've half swallowed it.  

  11. YES!!!!!


    you think that is crazy...try nanners, PB, and mayo sammies!!


    ADD: what do you eat, that is strange to us (besides wedgies)

    err..they are good B/C the sky is explanation needed!!

    but Im guessing the salty and sweet combo!

    ****but, S, I'll hold your hand through the whole thing, Promise!!

    ADD #4,237 :Ill ship you some of mine, I buy PB and jam in bulk...

  12. it just tastes good

    i have one every day

  13. Boxer Bootie is so right peanut butter, banana, and mayo sandwiches are the best!

  14. Its amazing!!! The creamy peanut butter... the .... the.... GREAT jelly put between 2 slices of bread.


    jUST EAT IT!


  15. its amazing! i eat one almost everyday. i love extra crunchy peanut butter and raspberry jelly. mmmmmm

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