
Pedestrian crossings and cyclists!?

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What is the law concerning the use of Pedestrian crossings by cyclists. In our area (and I am sure it is true elsewhere) cyclists seem to use pedestrian crossings without a thought for the motorist swinging onto them without signalling or waiting for the cars to stop. I have had a number of near misses with cyclists. Cyclists are always moaning about bad car drivers, but we are not mind-readers and in any case I don't think cyclists ought to be able to use pedestrian crossings unless they get off their bikes and 'walk' across. Anyone know the law concerning this and also what are your views. I am also a cyclist as well as a car driver but hope I am more considerate than those I have mentioned.




  1. I haven't come across that but that sounds very dangerous and they should dismount before crossing. The one that annoys me is when some cyclists go through the red traffic lights. I've had it once where a cyclist got in my way got in my way when they went through a red traffic light and the traffic lights for me were green.

  2. It's illegal to ride on a pedestrian crossing in the same way as it's illegal to ride on the footpath.  Cyclists are rarely prosecuted - motorists who break the rules can cause far more damage.

    Last year, a cyclist decided stopping for pedestrians at a crossing was too demeaning and tried to weave through us.  He cycled straight into my fist.

  3. I think strictly speaking cyclists should only be walking on the crossing. But for something this simple it is best if everyone just takes care. It depends on the amount of traffic and pedestrians to determine how closely the road rules should be followed. In quiet suburban streets, there is no need to strictly follow stop signs etc.

  4. If a cyclist rides across a pedestrian crossing and is involved in an accident, they are at fault as they cease to be a pedestrian by their own actions.

  5. technically they should dismount and wait until traffic stops before crossing.

    however as you and I know ( happened to me only a few days ago) the cyclist will often  apart from illegally riding on the pavement then swing onto a zebra crossing with just a glance at traffic.

      Unfortunately despite the cyclist being in the wrong it would if it went to court ( you failed to stop in time and  hit him on the crossing) ,be held that YOU as the driver of a motor vehicle should  have FORESEEN the crossing and been PREPARED to stop. failing to do so makes you automatically in the wrong.

    So although common sense  tells us it's all the cyclist own fault, we have a legal system which takes the letter of the law as sacrosanct and immutable. You will (wrongly) get  done.

  6. Cyclists can only use a toucan crossing to cross a road leagally (as in like a pedestrian crossing way). same as a pelican crossings but for cyclists.  Other than that they signal and possition themselves as a car would.

  7. The typical cyclist thinks the highway code is for everyone except them, total disregard for traffic lights is typical example.

  8. The law is very clear: If you mean that a cyclist is using a crossing to cross the road without dismounting, that's illegal;

    RULE 79

    If it's the case that a cyclist on the road doesn't give way to pedestrians at a crossing, that's illegal too;

    All rules apply to all vehicles

    However, whereas a motorist has number plates to isentify them ,needs a license, tax, MOT & insurance, any t**t can get on a bike & behave however they like with impunity & without fear of ever being traced if anything goes wrong.

    And now they're being allowed the wrong way down one way streets! Great!

  9. cyclists are governed by the same laws as pedestrians. they are to wait for traffic to come to a halt before they can proceed across. not to walk or cycle across and make vehicles stop!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Cyclists must dismount to use a pedestrian crossing..

    However, the car must stop for anyone on the crossing, be it a cyclist or not.  Just because the cyclist is breaking the law by crossing whilst mounted, doesn't mean the car has right of way.

  11. in the uk, cyclists have to dismount to use a pedestrian crossing

    the law is clear

    rule 79 in the highway code:

    "Do not ride across a pelican, puffin or zebra crossing. Dismount and wheel your cycle across."

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