
Penal Code Explanation please!?

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My friend hurt another kid at shool about 3 months ago and he got convicted with a Misdemeanor. He is scared because he thinks that his Misdemeanor Cannot be Expunged. And he thinks what he did has something to do with Penal code 288. He only hurt another student and was charged with Battery. Will his record get expunged when he becomes 18? We live in California. Please help guys.




  1. I very  much doubt he was convicted of Pen C 288, which is child molestation and is a felony.  Battery is Pen C 242.  His record is not automatically sealed when he turns 18, but he can petition to have it sealed (which in California is much better than "expunged").  The information on that is here (look for the information for juveniles).

  2. 288 PC covers various s*x crimes.

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