
People Who do their taxes!?

by Guest33764  |  earlier

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my mom was telling me that lots of people are gonna be getting a check besides the regular tax refund... my sister put my son and i as dependents so my mom has been telling me to ask her to give me money from that check. i was telling my mom i dont know how to tell my sister. since her regular tax fund was around the 4000's and she only gave me 500 dollars and i really dont know how much they will give her from this check. my son is 7yrs old i dont know if age counts. Please help me find out how much will she be getting and how much would it be fair for me to ask her for and also " HOW TO ASK HER" thanks so much!




  1. I thought the only people getting another check were those who either didn't get the right amount or didn't get their check at all.

    If you already got your check and your son wasn't accounted for, they'll be sending you another $300 for your son.

  2. If you are speaking of the stimuls rebate, dependents over age 17 are not eligible. If your sister claimed your son and he is under age 17 and she made over $3000 in income last year, then she should receive an extra $300 total for your son, but not for you. If she is claiming your son, that means that she must be providing over 50% of his support, so it is not fair to ask her for that $300 really. If she is claiming him simply because you do not have qualifiying income and you cannot, well, that is illegal anyway.  But $300 is the amount she should receive for him FYI.  If you think you are entitled to that money, then just ask her about it, after all she is your sister.  (And if she did claim your son as a dependent, then she is making out on the deal since she probably got a $1000 child tax credit for him, plus a $3400 allowance for claiming both of you which reduces her tax debt- if she gave you only $500 total then she kept that extra $500 - plus 10, 15% of $7800 reduction of taxes paid by claiming both of you - for over $1300 cash in her pocket total AFTER she gave you that $500). That does not even include EIC she may have gotten which is very likely.  If you want to learn more go to**  I am sorry Bob above, but I just checked publication 972 at, and nephews are eligible for the child tax credit.  See page 2.

  3. You and your son probably were worth nothing to your sister's stimulus check.  She could get between $300 and $600 for herself depending on how much tax she paid in 2007 plus $300 for each dependent that qualified her for the child tax credit.  You don't qualify because I assume you are over 16 and your son doesn't because only your own children qualify you for the child tax credit - not nephews.  So your answer is $0.   Ask her for nothing.  She is the one paying taxes so she is the one getting a rebate.

  4. If your sister claimed your son as a qualifying child, which she can do if she meets the requirements, then the $300 she'd get for him is hers, not yours - and if she's doing a significant amount to support him, doesn't that seem fair enough?

    She won't get extra money in the stimulus check for claiming you.

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