
People say that my girlfirend?

by  |  earlier

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they say shes so less attractive then i am, now there mostly girls who say it ,but ever one says it, its hard going on dates with her, when females look at me all the time, and all i can do is sweat, and look at her.

now what im asking is, is there any guy who has got this, and fill like i should stick with my heart rather them what people say?




  1. Listen to yourself !

    People wouldn't know what's best for you.

  2. if you really love this girl, you would like her for who she is, other peoples opinions don't matter, as long as you find her attractive

  3. beauty is in the eye of the beholder. People shouldnt be throwing their opinions out there unless they are asked. You should def NOT listen to them and go with your heart. Dont let them second guess yourself. Why would you want to listen to people that are shallow anyway?

  4. Well I had the exact same problem with both of my ex boyfriends, guys would approach me and tell me I was too good for them etc and if I ever introduced them to people they would be like "REALLY is that your boyfriend"!! At the end of the day NO ONE elses opinion counts, its what matters to you! If you love her and YOU find her attractive then stick with her. Imagine being in her shoes and feeling that way - it must be horrible. You should not take notice what others say because at the end of the day people will talk but that doesnt mean you need to listen!! If anything they are nasty if they are basing your relationship on looks. Good Luck

  5. You doubt what you feel for her just because of what other people say about her looks?

    Because other people don't find her attractive, you feel short changed?

    If you put more value on the opinion of others instead of how much you love your girlfriend. Then spare her the heart ache and just be honest with her. That you can't go about town with the woman you love cause she's not attractive enough for other people to look at.

    For all you know, what you have right now is the best relationship you could ever find and you would let go of her just because she doesn't conform to the common standard of beauty. Her face could be for 'high-fashion' for all you know.

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