
People that have passed away?

by Guest63292  |  earlier

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does anyone have anybody that has passed away? I want to hear about it, young and old




  1. My mother passed away two years ago and before she passed she came to me and my sister in dreams in which she was dressed totally in white. In both of our dreams she was young and healhy, which comforted both of us. She was 83 when she died.

  2. My friend passed away at 46 from Hodgkin's lymphoma, last December and did not even know he was ill.

    I had 18 friends and aquaintances die in a two year period a few years ago.  That was creepy.

  3. my mom passed then they brought her back, when she was able to talk she told me about the fact she saw my dad who was dead for 15 years, also her sister, but she told me she would never be afraid of dying. so 10 years ago when she did die, it was comforting.

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