
People to People Youth Ambassadors?

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My son wants to be a part of the 2009 European trip,I got the letter and checked out the site,signed up for the meeting;etc.Not one word as of yet as to the cost of this trip.Anyone been a part of this before that can give me an idea on what this 19 day excursion will cost?The meeting is almost 4 hrs from my home.I really do not wish to waste my time(traveling there)to be given a hefty price tag.They should have prices listed on the site.Though I am sure they have their reasons for not showing it.Any help will be appreciated,ty.




  1. Although I have not taken part of it I have received that offer several times before and know of people who have participated.

    So basically your son will be taking a field trip. Only instead it'll last for more than a day and it'll take him to different parts of the world exposing him to the real world and from what I hear it's a great experience and wished I had participated, had I enough money to pay for it.

    The trip is somewhat pricey, costing around 3000-4000 depending on where he goes. And they do offer an alternative where you can raise the the money if it is an issue. Do know that even though it's pricey, your son is going to be well taken cared of, he's going to see parts of the world he might never get to see, he's going to meet others of a different culture, will be helping to improve US relations in a way, and might be able to see some places most of people of the public will never get to do like sitting in a session of Parliament.  

  2. I used to get a lot of those in the mail a couple years ago. But they ARE expensive. When you go to the presentation, it sounds nice &stuff, but the price isn't cheap. Like, a couple thosand dollars.

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