
People who believe in aliens...?

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Do you think DNA univerally codes information in all living creatures (including alien life)? I know this is a weird question, but I was just randomly thinking about it yesterday.




  1. This is purely speculation, but if we assume aliens existed and if they are life forms that reproduce and share hereditary information with their parents, then they would require some sort of mechanism to deliver genetic information.  However, this mechanism may not be anything like the DNA we see here on planet Earth.

    Since we have no alien specimens we can't really make a determination regarding alien DNA.  In that respect, it is very difficult to play the "what if?" game because without any known parameters the possibilities are infinite.

  2. It cant be alive without DNA

  3. It is possible but alien DNA should look nothing like our DNA.  I our DNA is all the life forms that came before us that evolved into us.  Also life could be in many forms we can't even think of.  If life evolved on a planet that was not formed from heavy elements then It couldn't be like us. No Iron for blood. No Calcium for bones.  Only a planet formed from an exploding star has the heavier elements needed for life as w know it. We are star dust is true.  The universe is so big that anything could happen, but not everything does happen because certain laws of chemistry and physics.

  4. The science of what makes US human can be applied to all living matter whether of this Earth or another planet.

  5. It's believed by some (crackpots?) that "alien life" comes to Earth as some sort of organic material encased in bits of meteors that break up in the atmosphere and embed in the soil where it can potentially thrive if the conditions allow it to do so. If we can think of aliens as something other than multi-cellular life forms with huge heads, bug eyes, and gray rubbery skin, then I would say that it is certainly possible. HTH.

  6. Yes, DNA also code aliens!  And to some degree I believe aliens really do exist, although I doubt Warner Brothers have correctly depicted them!

  7. The only aliens I know are from Japan, China, and Mexico. We cannot say anything for certain about creatures on distant planets, and we probably never will know for sure. This is a subject for Science Fiction.

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