
People who eat MacDonalds and KFC?

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....................... don't care about their health generally speaking. Truse or false?




  1. false! i care about my health... but i also care about my taste buds.. and fast food it gooood =) haha

  2. coz not every are chefs

  3. can eat bad stuff once in a while..cause admit taste good....but if you generally eat a well balanced bad one isnt going to hurt you

  4. Not true. Some people call in for convenience and eat only the healthier offerings whilst others accompany their childen on birthdays parties etc. Not everyone orders triple cheese burgers and large fries every day.

  5. True. We know it is bad..yet we still eat it.  I didn't know it was bad when I was a kid

  6. Falso..... Its ignorant to say you wouldnt care about your health in general just because of that single factor....i play college soccer been playing my whole life and always keep i eat at Macdonald's and kfc occasionally? yes... its more of health nuts that would like to point fingers at normal people and say stuff like that to help with their insecurity's in their life...those people say stuff like this who would say true to this

  7. False-there are millions of kids who eat Mcdonald's.  they don't even know that Mcdonald's is bad they are just hungry.

  8. False.

  9. False... one, you need to reward yourself every now and again with something not so healthy... and two, there are some things that you can get from those places that are ok enough to grab on the run and still take care of yourself... it's not the places you eat, it's the choices you make....

  10. Its depends i have diabetes and never eat at those places because i know they are bad for you but if you were that asverage human being ppl usually don't know

  11. people who eat their regularly are usually one or more of the following: uneducated, poor, don't care

    people who eat occasionally are just busy people who enjoy eating a little junk food now and then..

  12. False, eatin MD or KFC once in a wile is not unhealthy.

    only if ur on the path to obesity den its importnt to realise u have a problem wid food n need to fix it.

  13. its really true we knoe that these fast food places are really bad for us and we still tend to go there but its our choice to get a ham burger or a salad its all up to you hoped it helped :)

  14. false

  15. I agree.  It is a mind-set.  If you eat there you are endangering your life and health.  Once and awhile won't kill you, but most people who go there are doing it to spurgle or they are regulars and don't care.  The regulars are obviously suffering from a "I don't care" and "I'll start the diet tomorrow" mentality.  There is no place for fast food in a healthy diet.

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