
People who have experiences targert:mars ...?

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Im in yr 8 and im finding it hard to solve the SETI challenge. can someone plz help me. dis is urgent:

da message is


how can we find out wat da images show

tanks in advance





  1. OK sweetie, it's about the Anti-Matter spaceship they're planning to send on manned and unmanned missions to Mars, which will cut the trip from 1 year to 1 month.

    Click on these links for the images.

  2. I can't really see how a 23 bit message can convey anything of any significance to anyone. It's not even a 4 by 6 graphic.

    Please spend more time on your studies, and less on silly time-wasting fantasies.

    If you really are eight years old, then get off Yahoo Answers NOW, before I tell your Mum and Dad that you have lied.

    Edit. Sorry. I thought that you were 8 years old. My Bad. I wonder why I thought that, though?

  3. If Target.Mars is for the gifted and talented in your school might I ask what your particular talent is, because it certainly doesn't extend to writing the English language.  Write sensibly and you will get some sensible answers.  The vast majority of people will take one look at the gibberish you have written and hit the back button.

  4. I must admit to being intrigued by this question, and so I decided to take the time and effort required to decipher your strange language.

    Unfortunately I'm at a loss.

    All I can say is that the binary number you state can be converted to base 10, and comes out as 221438.

    I have read the Target:Mars page and can see nothing there regarding a message to decode. Can you give more information about what you are trying to do?

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