
People with borderline personality disorder?

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anyone here with it? I have anxiety problems but at the same time i think i may have something similar to BPD. strong and early attachment towards the opposite s*x. like with almost every man i date i seem to form this attachment with them and feel the need to harass them after being rejected.. and one minute i feel like im on top of the world and then later on i feel like ****. i love my family but at the same time i try to distance myself and sometimes get upset easily at them. they know i have a problem but i dont know what it is. i know its not bipolar. but anyone tips?




  1. See a doctor. And this is going to be the meanest thing anyone will ever say to you and I'm sorry I have to say it, but DON"T HAVE KIDS! I'm raising kids whose mother is borderline and it's horrible for them. I'm sorry to be so blunt.

  2. I am bipolar. But its under control with the help of my therapist and psychiatrist. I've had the same problems and much worse ones. I become overly obsessed with things and feel the need to fix everything. I have literally punched things just because it was snowing and when off my medication I become irrational towards everyone, especially those closest to me. Try seeing a consular to help you out with your problems even if medication isn't an option for you.  

  3. Sounds familiar...I'm the exact same way..I was diagnosed with BPD, but I believe it is a mix between dependent personality disorder, and bi polar....with me, and any woman..I can propose to her one day, and hate her the next...and after being rejected..I harass like no other, and I never give up on her.....ever. I don't let issues go, I hold grudges permanently, and I remember every person who ever said, or did anything to hurt me,and could recite the exact words that were used to insult me...20 years it was yesterday....does any of this sound familiar?

  4. I have borderline personality disorder.  If your only symptom is strong attachment to the opposite s*x and getting upset easily, then no it is likely that you do not have BPD.  I would research the DSM-IV criteria for borderline personality disorder and go see your psychiatrist so you can be properly diagnosed.

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