
People with eye contacts open this!?

by Guest59958  |  earlier

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Do you still wash your hands before putting them in and taking them out?! It's a simply yes or no I don't need a lecture on how you should always wash your hands..




  1. yes i wash my hands.  i'm paranoid to get an eye infection.

    i work at an od's office we get so many people with eye infections because they don't wash their hands.

  2. I usually put them in right after my shower, so that's taken care of.  As for taking them out, I don't wash my hands, but I use no-rub solution before I put them away.

    When I first got them I was extremely careful.  After about a week of that I never bothered even thinking about my hands when dealing with my eyes.

  3. Yes. Always. 2D

  4. Yeah, I still do that even though I've been wearing contacts for almost 2 years now. What's more, we've got only two eyes, why mess around with it?

  5. Of course.  Why would you not...?

  6. I think a reasonable answer would be that you should handle your lenses only with clean hands.  If your hands are clean, no need to wash them.  If not, wash them, especially rinse them well, to keep any soap/foreign matter from contaminating the lenses.  And it is just as important to keep the lenses clean;  the eye proteins that accumulate on them (they are like a cloudy film, if you hold the lens up to light to see it) can cause irritation, even infection, if not removed before wearing again.

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