
Perceived in highschool

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I'm a seventeen year old girl in high school. I've been in my first relationship, (full stop) for nearly a year now, and my boyfriend and I have recently become "involved" in "that way". I love my boyfriend etc, etc, I'm really happy in the relationship, etc, etc. My problem seems to be with the other girls. I'm not a s**t, I've only ever been with one guy and we were friends for ages before. It's a very unusual (in a good way) relationship, I really feel right about the choice.

I'm in a school where there's a dividing sector between the girls who "do" and the girls who "don't". I'd say 70 percent of the girls are in the the "do" pile at my age, which is absolutely fine with me, but the thing is that they all seem to have found out, and the girls who don't are giving me funny looks, and people are gossipping about my boyfriend and I behind our backs. Not even snide, mean things, just making reference to the fact, even though I only told one person, my best friend, who may have told people, (don't really care), I'm just wondering, does it really matter? Will people judge me on the principle that I "have"?




  1. some people will judge you, but that's their problem. i "don't" but i don't judge those who do. it's your decision, and it's been done. don't worry, soon they'll have some new gossip and they'll move on. in fact, i'm surprised they're gossiping about you, considering you're not sleeping around, just with your bf of a year. wow!

  2. I can tell you right now that it doesn't matter at all. They're only talking about it because they have nothing else to talk about. It'll pass over soon and they'll be gossiping about someone else.

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