
Period Help!!!!!!!!!!! ???

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Is it okay if i keep a tampon in from 6:30-11:30? I know the risks of could i do that? or is that too long..




  1. You can leave them in for up too 8 hours you would know if you had tss. Plus it is very rare.

    Toxic shock syndrome is caused by toxins produced by bacteria. Only certain rare strains of specific bacteria produce these poisons. As the bacterial toxins are released into the bloodstream, they begin to overstimulate the immune system in the body. This, in turn, causes the severe symptoms of toxic shock syndrome.

    In the most common form of toxic shock syndrome, the bacteria live in the v****a of women who are infected, and the bacterial growth is encouraged by the presence of a tampon. However, these toxins can be produced from bacteria in other locations in the body as well. Sometimes, the location of the infection is not clear.

    Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome: Most cases of toxic shock syndrome are caused by a bacterium called Staphylococcus aureus. The most well-known form of staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome is associated with menstruating women using tampons. However, men, children, and nonmenstruating women can develop toxic shock syndrome as well. In fact, a third of all cases of toxic shock syndrome occur in men.

    Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome: Some cases of toxic shock syndrome are caused by Streptococcus pyogenes, the same bacterium that causes strep throat. S pyogenes often comes from a skin infection and causes a more serious form of toxic shock syndrome than S aureus.

  2. 5 Hours is generally nothing to be worried about. The highest risk for TSS comes with super absorbency tampons being worn for 8 hours or more, and even then, the risk is still minimal. I generally use 4 hours/when it is "full" as a rule of thumb for myself. If you start experiencing any symptoms, such as a sudden fever, flu like symptoms, dizziness, vomiting or diarrhea, you would want to consult a doctor immediately.  

  3. that's only 5 hours, you'll be fine

    the max you should leave one in is 8 hours  

  4. yeah thats fine.

    the longest i would leave it in until would be 6:30-2:30

    so taking it out at 11:30 is fine.

  5. Max time is 8hrs

  6. TSS is very rare.  But your tampon was in for 5 hours which is fine.  I think the max is either 6 or 8 im not sure. You should be fine

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