
Period... miscarried... what's going on!!!

by  |  earlier

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Ok here's the thing.......... Had a miscarriage on May30th this year I was 4 months pregnant... So I was bleeding from May30th to June 18th. My boyfriend and I are trying again... and had unprotected s*x alot of times. So July 13 I had brown discharge well it was like it. then it stoped. On the 14 I had brownish to pink blood, So I quess it was my period. It only lasted 3 days it stopped on the 17th. And haven't had one. It's now Aug. the 5th I should be getting on Aug the 8th maybe.... I have lower back dull pain. and headaches so I when to the doctors and HCG levels were at 0. Everything was fine there. I don't know if I could get pregnant again so... Has anyone experiences this before???

Bye the way I'm not asking anyone for a medical, or mental help here. Just asking questions. I know nobody is a Doctor on here. And I didn't have an Abortion. Im not a baby killer so don't be saying it!! I don't believe in that at all!!




  1. Hi i dont know if you are preggo or not but i hope you are since thats what you want. I just had a misscarry and i took my doctors advice and im gonna wait at least one menstrual period to try again so then i will know for sure if im or not . You should've wait cuz now you are so confused and just dont knwo what to think anymore and i understand you but good luck

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