
Period problem..x please help ..x?

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At school we arn't allowed to go to the toilet in lessons so we have to go at break or dinnertime whicj is really annoying when im on my period because sometimes its heavy and leaks but i really dont want ot tell the teachers that especially if its a guy! and also if you do have to wait the toilets are normally really busy and there are lots of people just stood there so changing a pad is really embarassing cos its noisy and people have been known to record it on their phones and post it to people! Its really embarassing but i dont know what to do to make it quieter lol! Please help! ..x




  1. I know the problem.

    The best bet is to wear a pad and a tampon, if your periods are really heavy, then this is the best way to avoid leaks.

    Change the tampon whenever you need to, and no one can hear you. Also if you need to change a pad, and dont want people to hear, try and plan you toilet break just before class so you feel more secure.

    If you have had your periods for many years, and they are still heavy, maybe you should go to the doctor? But I think for you age it is fairly normal.  

  2. open it up in ur purse.

    also to help the leaking u should use a tampon then a pad tampons are less noisy too.

    also the tampon brand pearl it makes no noise at all. because of the raping its in.

  3. i had the same problem when i was at school..

    if you dont want to use a tampon, which are great for the noise factor.. and are a lot more comfy and leaking is not as much an issue if you wear a panty liner too..

    but with pads.. when you go to the toilet... either flush your toilet and rip it off, so that no1 can hear it or wait for the person nxt to you to flush.. this is what i used to do in school.. lol

    you shouldnt be embarressed tho, its natural and every woman has to go through it, but i understand :)

    u could try ripping slowly or coughing etc... but the flushing works the best..


  4. Hello :)

    Firstly, I'd just like to say that you shouldn't feel embarassed about changing a pad, it's completely natural and every girl has to do it at one point! However, i understand that teenage girls can be really harsh and therefore i recommend using a tampon. These will need changing quite regulary also, but they won't make as much noise when you do have to change them.

  5. You should cough when your opening it

  6. use tampons... and when you have to go to the bathroom in class just get up and go.....that's what i do when i have my peroid and if the teacher askes where you went be like to the bathroom and if thry try to get you in trubble be like it's child abuse if you dont let me go i can get a blader infection

  7. try putting in a tampon the morning you know your going to get your period and there is very low chance of it leaking. so make sure you get the right size! also just get up and tell the teacher you have some girls

    things to do. im sure they'll understand. and to the people who are filming people while they do their business, tell them to **** off. because, one thats digusting, and two thats totally pervert. tell a teacher about the girls who are doing it and im sure they'll stop right enough.

    good luck though.


  8. can't you write a letter to the head? in our school there is a post box type thing where you can post a letter in the slot if you want to tell them anything, and of course this can be done onominously.

    If you have a simular system maybe you could tell them about this problem as it is really unfair you should have to feel this way.

    Obviously you cant use this excuse all the time, but if it is a real emergancy i would advise pretending you need to be sick to get out the class.

    Maybe you could take a mini pair of scissors with you so you dont have to rip it?

  9. have you ever tried a tampon? tampons are great if you get the right absorbency. or when you wear a pad remember to make sure you were the highest absorbency one e.g night time ones to protect you from leaks.

  10. You could try a tampon I suppose but I prefer pads myself. I wouldn't worry who is listening to you changing your pad.  At the end of the day, they're females too and go through the exact same thing you do!

  11. Go on too

  12. i know this is terribly annoying!

    it happens to me alot! i think its ok with the pad just try to wear a very tight hot short! under whatever your wearing!

    trust me it works!

    good luck =D

  13. Well, I was in school before cell phones, thank goodness! Ask your friends what they do. Or just tell your teacher that you aren't feeling well and need to use the bathroom. If he gives you a hard time, tell him that you feel like you're going to throw up.

  14. Do you have a year head or guidance counsellor or another trusted teacher you could confide in?  I think the school should be aware of the problem as you certainly won't be the only girl to experience it.

    Try not to worry about the phone problem, though I know it is hard.  It is very sad in all senses of the word that anybody would want to do that and people who do that are obviously very immature.      

  15. Ah I so know how you feel, still in school and hate changing pads due to noise but I solved it by tampons, it's not easy being new to tampons, make sure you're comfort enough when using it, no sharp pain.

    I used to rip the cover seal at home before I go to the bathroom at school at lunchbreak and carefully peel the rest off. It doesn't always work but it's better then before.

    Personally I say s***w those people who record things that are not appropiate, there's many other people with your kind of issue, so don't feel so bad.

    Also go complain to the headmaster/principal about letting some students having bathroom breaks during classes that aren't in classes that starts after a lunchbreak.

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