
Periods after getting your tubes tied?

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I got my tubes tied a year ago during my Csection. I was 23 years on and on my 3 pregnancy but 4th child. (my first was Ident twins) I had normal periods for the first few months but now my periods feel like they never come! They started coming every other month. Right now it is August and my last period was my way back in May. Also during this past year I started having severe panic attacks. Is this all related? I hate waiting on my periods and then start thinking I may be pregnant when I know Im not! Believe me... Im not complaining of having no periods! lol I just want to know if there are other people out here going thru the same thing.....




  1. I am a CMA and I have had 3 C-Sections plus a tubal 14 years ago

    No this is not normal with a tubal and no the panic attacks have nothing to do with it.. It is more than likely hormonal and you should have a PAP.. Also You are not pregnant because if you were you would more than likely have an ectopic pregnancy because there is no place for the egg to go..

    Go to you Gynecologists offices ASAP

  2. welll umm if its like really nad i would go to the doctor or take a test even though ur not having a kid but the doctor should know ur probaly ok though

  3. You should really talk to your doctor but because of the tubes tied you may be going through early menopause. Don't hold me on it but those are some symptoms. Definantly call your doctor

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