
Person who inspires you?

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Who inspires you. For me its robin williams...he helps this world out alot by simply makeing people smile :)




  1. God.

  2. my brother and my parents.they are the people that i think of before going to bed and the first thing that comes to my mind in the morning is them.they are the pillars of my mother and my father inspire me with a lot of confidence because i am learning music and without them i wouldn't even be alive today.and my brother,he's my confider.he's my problem-solver,adviser,friend,wat else can you ask for???

    who could inspire you more???

  3. A teacher I had last year, sooooo good!

  4. My dad. He is a Doctor. He saves peoples' lives. That is the noblest thing to do.

  5. I don't care who doesn't like this, but the person of Jesus Christ is the only person Who never fails to inspire me.

  6. Many to mention, they also serve as my mentor, my family, friends, my sisters in sfc, my favorite priests father jun and most of all Jesus...who save us from our sins.

  7. My family. They're always there for me!

  8. My Best friend forever Kitsgirl_3 we are BFF's in real life. She inspires me so much. She is like a sister to me. I love her like one to. Almost 5 years and she continues to inspire me. She can tell if i am upset and when i say I'm  not she knows I'm lieing about it.

    Kitsgirl_3 is #1 on my list of people who inspire me. She is the best friend anyone could ask for.

  9. Miranda Kerr

    Mahatma Gahndi

    Dalia Lama

  10. my best friends.

    he and she give me a reason to get up everyday,

    and no matter what they always beleive in me !!


  11. oprah!

  12. Queen Elizabeth I - she was a survivor of the first rank and a great leader.

    Hillary Clinton - she shows what a woman can do if she sets her mind to it and be a good mother, too.

    Leonardo Da Vinci - because the human soul celebrates beauty

    Al Gore - he wants to salvage our world's ecology

  13. There are many. A few are Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda etc.

  14. My auntie shes really smart and has just become a teacher, she's really good at it and makes me want to be a teacher too. she always helps me in school and tells me not to give up  when the works hard  :)

  15. my mother

  16. Thomas Edison. He said that invention was 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.

  17. My year 7 teacher. Great guy. Best year of my life.

    I also inspire myself when I do things that I thought I couldn't do.

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