
Personal question?

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1. If u were in a war which war would u be in the ones with swords and shilds like Lord of the Rings, world war 2, or the star wars war.

2. what kind of weapon would u use

I would be in dark ages more adventure that way and i would use a giant battle axe




  1. If I were in my prime, it would be either a WW II or Star Wars (with laser weapons) variety.  I am a very good shot so the type of straight-line weapon would not really matter.

  2. yeah lord of the rings war for sure! and i would use a sword ( a relly long sword like

    this long!!! moahahahahah )-----------------

  3. None, I prefer living.

  4. Indian Wars

    A Henry 66 44-40

    A Short war Bow

    And a variant of a Bowie Knife

  5. i'd be in a sword-and-shield medieval war. in the WWII and star wars wars, the names of guns etc gets too complicated and its hard to know which ones which. the names are really weird and difficult to remembers, with lots of numbers :p. but in medieval wars, thats a swords and thats a shield.

    i'd have a war-hammer. they could be several metres long, and was used by footsoldiers against mounted warriors. Shorter ones, as long as a mace, were used in closer quarters or from horseback. Later war hammers often had a spike on one side of the head, so it do damage without penetrating the armour, or grapple armour / reins / shields out of the way, or pierce even heavy armour. Against mounted opponents, the weapon could also be directed at the legs of the horse, toppling the enemy to the ground where s/he could be more easily attacked.

    i'd chose the hammer because it get harm people in full armour. by the 1400s, knights were completely covered with a layer or two of 2mm thick metal. swords couldn't cut through it (though crossbow bolts could, but they can be impractical). instead, they had to try to work their way through cracks - which could be non-existant, or impossible to get to if someone's swinging a sword at you! However, warhammers could send concussive force through the plate armour, resulting in injuries such as broken bones, internal bleeding, head trauma. so it's a much better weapon.

  6. I really prefer to stay away from wars, but if I had to choose....

    It would be Star Wars and with any weapon I could lay my hands on.

  7. I would like in old germany wars and fight like a Lord, or may be with some great english King

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