
Pet Food Suggestions/Life Expectancy?

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i'm a bit paranoid that i could be feeding my pets better food.

well, not really paranoid, i know that there's better food out there for them.

any help is great!

im also wondering what each of their life expectancy's are?

If you know any good tips or information to help any of my pets live longer lives, please let me know! I don't expect anyone to know the answers to all my questions.

Miniature American Eskimo - Female - 9 Years Old - Iams for Adults (Green bag)

Toy Yorkie - Female - 5 Months Old - An all natural puppy food (it's what the pet store was feeding her, i don't have much of a choice)

Tabby & Calico Mix - Female - 10 years Old - Meow Mix (i know this must be complete garbage...)

Pearl Cockatiel - Female - 2 years Old - Harrison's Bird Pellets (Occasional seed and millet. No veggies :/)

Winter White Dwarf Hamster - Male - 1 year and 1 month old - A mixture of seed and pellets. Carrot everyday. Occasional peanut.

Robo Hamsters - Male - 9 Months old - A mixture of seed and pellets. Carrot everyday. Occasional peanut.




  1. for your dogs...

    Iams is c**p.. bought out by Proctor & Gamble years ago - they dumbed down the food..

    you DO have a choice  on the puppy - they CANNOT force you to feed that food.. but worse still is that the pup you bought came from a puppy mill - the store will deny this.. but who else would EVER sell to a store?? NEVER NEVER buy pups from stores - when you do you support an extremely cruel industry of breeding dogs for PROFIT ONLY! (not genetics or mental health.. etc)

    anyhow I wont go on about that..


    Meow Mix is garbage - correct.. but it is what the garbage is that is the problem.. as with the dog food - may of these bad ingredients contribute to problems like cancer - which (second to accidents) is the Leading KILLER of pets!!

    so read both links - print them off and take with you when you go food shopping !! both are easy to read and understand

    the other pets need also a variety of FRESH (ideally from your garden so no chemicals) fruits and veges!

  2. Well, I'm not sure about the others, but I feed my cats Meow Mix, but, mainly, we feed them 'Whiskers' which is another brand of cat food that my kitties absolutely love.

    Do not buy Iams food, I hear its unhealthy and killed a few peoples cats!

    Thats horrible.

    Anyways, I hope you get better suggestions!

  3. I have 3 kitties, I changed all their food, slowly to better food, here is a website to help you decide what you want to do, reseach is best. Cats need more protein the dogs.. GOOD LUCK!!  

  4. Jenna, you've got a household there! I can't talk though, 4 dogs and 4 cats here.

    I highly suggest going to and click on reviews. Key your food in the review section and they will let you know how many stars the food gets. the more stars the better.

    IAMS is pretty poor and your Eskimo should be getting a herring and sweet potato mixture food that will help his coat and weight.

    The cat food isn't horrible, but could be better.

    I am totally ignorant of hamster food, but I know they like to eat a fly here and there.

    Good Luck and check out the website.


  5. We have fed our dogs Pedigree dog food for adults in small crunchy bites.  We also mix it with people food everyday for more flavor, and so far they are healthy, and theyre like nine years old.  But my dogs dont eat if there is no rice in the food.  theyre spoiled, and they love rice.

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