
Pet birds/droppings?

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How does one keep up with keeping house clean /sanitary while having a pet bird out and about? really would like to know.thanks.




  1. There are "flight suits" available for birds that keep them from making a mess outside of the cage. some birds tolerate them better than others. They are made of fabric and serve to catch the droppings down below the bird's cloaca. usually the younger the bird when you try this, the better. a friend of mine used to have a dove that would wear one with no problem.

  2. It is possible to paper-train a bird. Whenever the bird gives you signs it's about to go (squatting, etc) pick it up and rush it to wherever you feel is a suitable place to eliminate. (In the cage, on a piece of newspaper). After the bird poops in this spot, praise him/her and give her a treat of something she likes, such as a seed or a small piece of apple or carrot. If he/she goes elsewhere, just ignore the bird and clean it up.

    If you can't paper-train your bird, you'll just have to watch him and clean up after him.

  3. I have three caiques that are out ALL day long. I have quilts on my futon sofa, a coverlet-quilt on my bed (they stay in my bedroom when I'm not home). I always keep a damp cloth handy for "accidents".

    I spot clean the carpet at least once a week. Luckily, caiques don't take enormous dumps, or it would need to be more often.

    I use old quilts rather than paper because I can just throw the quilt in the washing machine. I tried paper LOOONG ago, and found it was a bigger mess than using washable things. Plus, my caiques are paper-shredders with wings. They will literally shred the newspaper WHILE I'm reading it.

    I always wipe up any messes they make on something that's NOT covered (like a table or my desk).

    The droppings mine make don't stain unless they've eaten pomegranate (and this is only in the wintertime, when I can get it.)

    When I'm home, I wear what I call my "birdy play clothes" - which means, I don't care if they p**p on it or chew holes in it. I change into "clean" clothes when I'm about to go somewhere, so people don't think I'm homeless.
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