
Petrol ..... Price in Bristol........... !!!?

by  |  earlier

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The Budget suspended the 2p per litre fuel rise.

So why was the Petrol cost at my local Shell filling station in BRISTOL ENGLAND this morning £1.20 per litre.....

YES you read that correctly £1.20 per litre....

We don't need the Government to increase Duty PUBLICLY as they are doing it by STEALTH...

Do we need a NATIONAL STRIKE or JUST tern up on mass at the local bus stop tomorrow morning, and refuse to use our cars ?????

OR .... Something else !!!

Enough is ENOUGH............ Your views please....




  1. Wow!! Mine is 1.07 per litre and I think that is steep.  Poor you......

  2. Wow...that is a bit much you want my petrol vouchers from tesco i've got loads...(and as my views differ a little thats all i'm going to say).

  3. I get mine from Tesco in Easton Bristol for £102.9 - it appears you have been robbed!

  4. I agree.

    I have a very thirsty car, and find it really difficult to keep up with the costs of the rising price in fuel.

    One thing that I discovered last week though, which is quite good.

    Its free to register, and you can search up to 20miles from your chosen address to find the cheapest petrol.

  5. Areet my baba! i liv in Brizzle but can't drive and even if spent a whole bunch of cash learning i'm put off by the cost of running a car. In fact, i couldn't afford to.

    But saying that, the bus and train prices are well expensive innit. And the service IS F**KING c**p!!!

  6. i agree, i remember when i got my first car it was 75p a litre just a few yrs ago. Now in my area of surrey its £1.07 on one side of busy road and £1.08 on other side by the same petrol company!

    its shocking! :(

  7. my view ? you are moaning too much.

    Its not a god-given right to have cheap petrol.

    Most people CHOOSE to make unnecessary journeys and driven with agressive start/stop styles.

    When the roads are empty on Saturday mornings because people cannot afford to go to the out-of-town discount factory shops, THEN the governments will consider lowering the tax.

    People continually talk about not being able to afford petrol and yet do not alter thier driving style or reduce thier journies.

    In the light of that, it all seems like moaning.

    As you can see by the other answers, the rest of Bristol is not subject to the "Government stealth tax" as you call it. Do you have any evidence that the petrol has gone up at this garage recently due to a government stealth tax ?

    TAX on petrol is about 80p a litre. Can you tell me how much tax you pay on a pallet of 760 bricks ? No, thought not. The TAX on petrol is widely publicised so its hardly "stealth".

    well, you did ask for my view so i don't expect any insults in return. Thanks.

  8. Mate, go to the Asda in Whitchurch - 1.03, or thereabouts.

  9. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!

    Where abouts?? I live  in Bristol - shall we boycott it!!


    Medium Dave - thats where I go, i've found its the cheapest around by far!!

  10. That seems ALOT..!! It seems that it is slightly cheaper here in Donegal,Ireland at €1.24 per litre.. I call for a STRIKE! =)

  11. I filled up with diesel in Derby 2 weeks ago - 106.9

    Then again last week 108.9

    This Tuesday 111.9

    You are dead right - we HAVE to do something...

    Unfortunatly - I cannot use public transport - it would cost £115 for me to get to work on the train - it costs me about £18 in the car... and it would add 5 hours onto my already 12 hour day...

    What we need to do is get the government to make some changes - give us an option / a viable alternative to using the car. Either:

    a) better public transport

    b) more eductaion for businesses to allow people to work from home

    This topic is more likely to raise my blood pressure than being sat in traffic on the M1!!!!

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