
Philly Euthanized?

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Are people making too much of a deal about this horse getting euthanized? Horses all over the world get euthanized and nobobdy cares unless its in a big race like the Kentucy Derby. The horse had no legs!!!




  1. Yes, unfortunately the situation is getting way blown out of proportion.  With the involvement of PETA, it's just going to continue to give horse racing a negative image.

  2. I think the reason that there is such a big deal being made about it is because the jockey could possibly be at fault. There was some issue with him whipping her too hard causing her to injure herself (allegedly). PETA has petitioned to have the jockey suspended while there is an investigation done.

    Also, i think because it was the first filly in the Derby since 1999.


  3. It's always upsetting one an outstanding race horse breaks down and has to be put down. People want to know WHY, and there aren't always simple answers. You can't point a finger and say this is the one reason in cases of accidents like this.

    But I can say with some assurance that the jockey was absolutely not at fault - no one beat this horse or forced her to run. He tried to stop her when he felt she was moving funny, which, in fact, happened a quarter mile past the finish line AFTER the race.

    Eight Belles loved to run and was a super competetive and agressive racer. No whip can account for her performance in the Derby. She ran second because she wanted to get in front. TBS are bred for it. You can't make a horse that doesn't want to run perform like she did in that race. Her trainer and his staff treated this mare like she was one of their children.

    The accusations of PETA are purely grandstanding on their part to attract publicity and they have created a completely bogus issue where none exists. They use tragedies like this to promote their anti-racing agenda. Most of their supporters know little about horses and virtually nothing about racing. Some of their members may be wll meaning, but this cynical grabbing of media attention over a tragedy is exacrable.

  4. There were many fans going for Eight Belles, and when they saw her dead on the race track in front of TONS of viewers, you can expect a big deal over it. Eight Belles was a wonderful filly, and she deserves to be remembered.

    And people DO care about the other horses being euthanized and killed, they are just not as well informed about them as much.

    But I agree with above, PETA has gone way to far with this and it has gotten out of hand. Some people want to ban horse racing too.

    By the way its Filly. with an f instead of ph
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