
Phlegm problem with my grand daughter?

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While I was taking care of my granddaughter last night she went into a colicky state and while she was crying I could tell that she had a lot of phlegm that was accumulating in her throat, almost if she was garglling. She then threw up all that she swallowed. I don't remember having this problem with my children and I was just wondering if it is a normal thing. She is 4 months old. Would appreciate any help in understanding this situation.




  1. babies usually that age spit up some milk when they burp - and ofcourse when she is crying  the whole milk came out - the gargling could have been the milk which came up but she tried to swallow it admist of her crying then she threw up the whole thing.

    does your grandgirl have cough n phlegm in her chest?

    often when ur baby has cough n phlegm - she is most likely to  throw up all the milk she drank due to the pump action of the nature of the cough itself - which also brings out  the phlegm in the vomit ( u could notice the vomit to be sticky - if she has cough n phlegm)

    right now its nothing to worry about and try n feed her after sometime . if it happens againi and again and again - then u can get her checked out by the doc.

    its wonderful to be taking so good  care of ur grandchild - all the very best

    take care

  2. Milk can cause a lot of Phlegm at the back of the throat my youngest did this a lot, I wouldnt worry about it if she is healthy and not got a temp.

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