
Phoenix Arizona geography!?

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What are the five themes of geography in phoenix arizona?




  1. The geography of Phoenix consists mainly of rocks and asphalt punctuated here and there by cactus. The weather can generally be described as hot and less hot. Two seasons grace the city: summer and not-summer. It rains in Phoenix roughly three times a year, but each of these monsoon storms is enough to flood most of the metropolitan area and cause every single driver to forget everything he or she ever learned.

    Phoenicians fall into three categories: natives, various a******s (mainly Californians and idiots from the Midwest) and illegal immigrants

    Phoenix drivers are among the worst in the nation. Phoenix drivers all want you dead. They are all in a VERY BIG HURRY. All Phoenix drivers hate all other Phoenix drivers as a matter of course. No other drivers are ever given the benefit of the doubt. Should you make a mistake and do anything polite at all while driving in Phoenix, the person you were just polite to will either frown at you or ignore you altogether. Not a single driver in Phoenix will allow you to get over to the right to allow them to pass. Instead, they pass you on the right. In an ever-tightening circlejerk of asshattery, they do this because there is not a single driver in Phoenix that ever looks in their rearview mirror to assess whether or not they should yield to oncoming traffic. Speed limits in Phoenix are commonly understood to merely be "suggestions," as the police in Phoenix are too busy chasing down Mexican illegals on beer runs and sun-scorched homeless drifters screaming incoherently to bother with speed traps. When a stop light at an intersection in Phoenix turns green, no one actually goes. Instead, they creep their cars forward until they are certain that oncoming traffic from the opposite direction has indeed stopped, because it generally doesn't until five or ten seconds after the light has turned red. All Phoenix drivers are required to be on their cell phones at all times, and they dutifully comply with this regulation. As with every other city in the nation, the left-turn green arrows turn first in Phoenix, then the regular traffic is allowed to flow, unlike Scottsdale, Arizona and Grand Rapids, Michigan which inexplicably do this backwards.

    Little known fact: Phoenix is not made of the ashes of the powerful mythical creature, but out of cigarette butts and the rubble from mid-1950s atomic test sites.

  2. 1. Mountains




    5. Lakes

  3. 1. Desert

    2. Rivers and lakes

    3. Mountains and plateaus

    4. Basin and range regions

    5. The Grand Canyon

  4. .     Few rivers and natural lakes.


    Flat desert for miles and miles.

    Grand Canyon

    Can't think of a 5th one.

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