
Photographic memory??

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what does it mean to have a photographic memory?? do you look at something then close your eye and have a picture of whatever you were looking at in your head? im not sure can someone please explain what it means to have a photographic memory




  1. photographic memory is the ability to have total recall in remembering images, sounds, things you have read etc.. with complete clarity and extreme accuracy. Mozart was believed to have it.

  2. yeah, that's pretty much it. For example, its easier for actors to memorize lots of lines if they have photographic memories, because they can actually picture where the line is on the page because they have sort of memorized it.  Its different from a spacial sort of memory, so while you may be able to picture intersections very well and what stores are nearby or street names, you may not be able to picture how to get there.  

  3. It's called Eidectic memory and it is like a Photgraph. The person literally pulls up a picture in his memory and can review it like it was a true photgraph. Very rare  

  4. I have a photographic memory. Basically, when I look at a book to study, I dont really read the book. I skim it and then when Im taking a test, I can read a question and recognize a phrase and remember exactly what page and section it was on. Then the answer just sorta comes to me because I almost read it in my mind. lol hope I dont sound crazy.
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