
Photographs stuck to glass?

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My boyfriend has recently been given a very old photograph of his family. Trouble is a little part of it is stuck to the glass. Is there anyway to remove it without damaging the picture?




  1. I would take it to a photo store or a place that sells frames i bet they know of a way to get it off without hurting the photo

    good luck.

  2. I found this site for you have a look at, it explains better than I..

  3. i would let it so...maybe buying a brand new frame!!!

  4. You could take a photograph of the original.  Put it somewhere in natural light where there aren't any reflections on the glass. ........put the camera on a tripod and don't use a flash. This will give you a better quality duplicate than scanning, though it might take some experimentation. Put the original away safe.  Don't break the glass, the picture will still be stuck to it.  There's no real way to remove the picture from the glass without the chance of damaging it.

  5. get a little hammer and shatter the glass

    so it will just smash off :D

  6. BEFORE you try any of the above, you may want to scan the picture onto your pc, so if the worse happens you will at least have a back up, you may loose some quality, depending on your scanner but it beats no picture at all, it should scan through the glass pretty good providing its clean.  

  7. I would NOT do anything (except scan and/or photograph the photo) until you talk to a real photo shop (like a real camera store, for example), or take it to a photo lab (check for listings in your yellow pages) or contact a museum.

    Some of those old photos are quite brittle and won't remove easily so you'll want the best advice you can get first (or look online for that kind of advice).  Some older photos may also have used different kinds of colorants or paper, etc., than what we use nowadays which could also make a big difference.


    Diane B.

  8. If the glass is clean and clear get it scanned then you have a new photo

  9. Water, Small amount and then dry quickly.

  10. I don't know how to remove the glass and be sure the picture will be ok but hopefully the tips below might give you some ideas how to save the picture.

    Before you do anything, I would try taking a picture of the photograph with a digital camera, you might have to fiddle about with the settings to get a decent picture. But incase you do have an accident with the original one at least you still have a copy of the picture.

    If that doesn't work try scanning a the photograph I know its got glass covering it but it should work after a bit messing about with the scanner settings.

    If you do try to remove the glass and damage the original picture scan the remaining photograph and using photo software (the kind that comes with scanners that crops and changes things in photos) you can clone another bit of the picture to make the photograph whole again.

    You can normally sort something out with one of the three methods above, I'm always messing with really old pictures for my mother.

    Hope this helps.,

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