
Photography Help!! Urgent!!

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Ok, So, I've Been Asked To Do Some Street Fashion Photography For A New Website That Someone Is Making.

Could Someone Please Explain To Me What I Need To Do??

I Have Never Done Street Photography :S

Thanks For Any Advice You Can Give

Nicole - - x




  1. At a rough guess I would say you either pick on people in the street (that have the look you are after) and with their permission (pref in writing) take their photos. Or you would get a deal with a store that has the kind of clothes you want to profile and take models out on the street to take photos of. Check out if you need permission to name retailers on the website, I can't see many stores not wanting a free advert

  2. Where do you live and are your streets filled with the type of fashion this website is looking for? You will need to get people to help you with your shoot. Keep it small, three or four. Have a location in mind before venturing out. Bring clothes the site wants to see. Have a place to change. Make sure to let the local authorities (police) know what you are doing and if any permits are required.

    You need to get the information from the website. You have to ask the questions. Don't be afraid. Just tell them you need to know the style they are looking for, professional, casual, out of this world or all of it.

    Do a google search on street fashion and look there. Good luck and have fun with it. You make th epictures, not the models.

  3. The first thing you need to know is that if your subjects are people and you intend to publish this on the web you need to have their consent, preferably in writing. I don´t actually know what you mean by street fashion? do you have your own models? do you mean shots of the street, and if you have never done street photography why is someone asking you to do so for a website, elaborate more

  4. You could try asking the person/people that are making that new website just what it is they want, if they don't know, how is anyone else supposed to know ?

    Never agree to take on any work without a clear idea of what is wanted and what the fees will be, especially if you haven't even done this before.

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