
Photos on yahoo 360?

by  |  earlier

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I'm trying to up load a photo on 360 by I keep getting a error saying that it needs to be a jpeg and it's is in jpeg. I turn of my firewall to see if that would help, it didn't. Any suggestion?




  1. Yahoo! had a notice up about ongoing maintenance in several areas of the site, so perhaps you will have better luck in a couple of days when they get the bugs worked out.

  2. Yahoo is having many issues with so many different things right now.. the only thing I see you could be doing wrong is the size of the photo.. if you are trying to upload to personal photos. the max size is 5MB.. if you are trying to upload a background image it is 250 kbs.

  3. Its as mentioned above yahoo have computer problems. Or your trying to load to big a file size, make it 200k or so. I tried to do a 700kb peg and it said its not a peg?

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