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Hey this must sound silly but i want to no what is photoshop? i no it makes pictures nicer and how can you download it? does it cost money?





  1. I'll be perfectly honest - I got mine free. Make of that what you will.

    Photoshop is a program that you can use to edit photos and stuff or you can simply use to create your own art.

    Here are some examples of what you can do with Photoshop:

    The last link is amazing, and with practice, you can do it too. You can actually get Photoshop without knowing anything about it, and you can get good at it too without help. I taught myself. There are books and tutorials all over the net to help you with stuff, and videos on Youtube as well, if you want them.

    But yeah, Photoshop is a very powerful tool, and is very useful. And fun, lol.

  2. i LOVE photoshop. It's like my life! lol

    yes- it does cost money. but since there are

    different versions, some cost less than others. :)

  3. Photoshop is the top image editor on the market. It is very complex, very rich and is the choice for professional photographers, graphic designers and digital artists. If you don't understand what it is, you do not want to get it. It's very expensive, from about $600 for the standard version to $900 for the extended version. Anyone who tells you you can get it for free is telling you how to pirate the software, and that's illegal.

    If you want to learn the basics of how to use it, take a class or workshop. You may find your local community college will offer an introduction to Photoshop. Also some computer stores offer workshops. It's not something you want to just go out and buy with no idea how it works, it is very complicated, and people who are masters of using it will tell you that it is complex enough that no one can learn everything about it.

    Another thing you might want to consider is getting Photoshop Elements. It's the version of the program aimed at the consumer, the everyday user. It's a good program with a lot of features, even if it doesn't have everything that full Photoshop does. It is also about $90.

    There are also some free programs, but since you are not familiar with image editors you might find them more confusing.

    Really, your best bet is to take an introductor workshop or class and/or get Photoshop Elements (the current version is 6, although 7 should be out soon).

    Good luck!
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