
Phrygian mode?

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i am learning my modes on the guitar and know the ionian, aeolian, and dorian but dont understand the phrygian. can someone please exeplain




  1. it's a minor scale with a  flat7 and a flat 2.. the flat 2 is why it sounds different... learn scale degrees...

  2. What do you want to know?  

    Try not making the modes more confusing than they really are.  A mode is just a picture.  

    So take the Ionian Mode.  This is playing a Major Scale and starting on the root note.  For Example you want to play the G Major Scale.  You then apply the Ionain Mode on the 3rd fret of the Low E String.  Imagine the Mode as a picture.  It's just a picture showing where the notes are for the G Major Scale starting on the 3rd Fret.  

    Take it a step farther.  Say you want to play a G Major Scale, but you don't want to play it on the 3rd fret.  Well then you can use the Dorian mode and start it on the 2nd note of the G Major Scale which is the A note.  So implement the Dorian Mode (picture) by starting on the 5th fret of the Low E string.  Now you are still playing the same notes as you were in the Ionian mode on the 3rd Fret, but now you are playing them on the 4th-7th frets, by starting on the 5th fret.  

    See so you played 2 different modes, but stayed in the same Key.  That's what modes are all about.  By learning all 7 modes, you then know how to play in a Key all over the guitar.  

    So the modes are:  Ionian, Dorian, Phyrgian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, and Locrian.  

    So for the Key of G Major you play:

    Ionian Mode - start on 3rd fret of Low E

    Dorian Mode - start on 5th fret of Low E

    Phyrgian Mode - start on 7th fret of Low E

    Lydian Mode - start on 8th fret of Low E

    Mixolydian Mode -start on 10th fret of Low E

    Aeolain Mode - start on 12th fret of Low E

    Locrian Mode - start on 14th fret of Low E

    Ionian Mode - start on 15th fret of Low E

    Dorian Mode - start on 17th fret of Low E

    See all 7 modes cover the entire guitar.  

    Now say you want to play in the Key of A Major instead of G Major.  Well the modes (pictures) just shift down two frets.  So now play the Ionian mode starting on the 5th fret of the Low E.  THe Dorian on the 7th Fret.  THe phrygian mode on the 9th fret.  etc.  

    Email if you have further questions, or catch me on Yahoo Messenger now and I'll give you a quick lesson.  

    my yahoo email is:

    messenger is:

  3. The best way to learn all your modes is to LEARN THEM IN ONE POSITION AND GET THEIR NAME RIGHT.

    It's not by going all the way up the neck to the 17th fret taht you will learn.

    All the modes are within 5 frets of any key.

    The third chord of any Major key is always a minor and always the Phrygian mode. In G, B would be the Phrygian mode.

    Here is a good site to lean these modes in a layman's language.

    This site will also explain where to use them which is most important. If you are into heavy metal, learn the arpeggios of diminished chords and the scale. This is the locrian mode and most often used in neo-classic stuff.
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