
Physic <span title="me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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A thin rod of length l and mass m is suspended freely from one end. It is pulled to one side and then allowed to swing like a pendulum, passing through its lowest position with angular speed w. Neglect friction and air resistance.

(a) Find the rod's kinetic energy at its lowest position


(b) Find how far above that position the center of mass rises.




  1. For a physical pendulum its period T is given in terms of  its length L and acceleration due to gravity g as

    T= 2pi sqrt(2L/3g)


    w= 2pi f= 2pi / T

    w= sqrt(3g/2L)

    L= 3g/(2w^2)

    Speed V is then

    v= w r or since r=0.5 L

    v= 0.5w L

    v= 3g/4w


    Ke= 0.5 m v^2

    Ke= 0.5 m (3g/4w)^2

    b) Kinetic energy Ke on the bottom = potential energy Pe at the top of the swing

    Ke(max)=Pe(max)=mg h(max)

    h(max)= Ke(max)/mg

  2. a. KE=1/2(mVf2)

    b. PE=mgh


  3. (a) Moment of inertia I of a rod about one end is 1/3 ml^2.

    K = 1/2 Iw^2 = 1/2(1/3ml^2)w^2.

    (b) Let the initial position i be at the lowest position and the final position f be at the highest position. Take the gravitational potential energy of the center of the rod to be zero at the lowest position, that is, Ui = 0. The rod comes momentarily at rest at the highest position, that is, Kf = 0. From conservation of energy, Uf - Ui = (mg)change in height of center of mass = Kf - Ki = 1/6 (ml^2)w^2. Change in height of center of mass = (l2w^2/6g).

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