
Physics question about waves ?

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Alright, what affects the speed of a wave? Is it the wavelength?

I thought a deeper water is denser than a shallow water? So why is it that the wave of a speed is faster in a deeper water? With the wavelength being shorter.

Thank you.




  1. the speed of a wave is equal to its wave length multiplied by its frequency were th wave length is in units of length and the frequency is in inverse units of time.

  2. "In deep water, the phase speed depends on wave-length or wave frequency. Longer waves travel faster. Thus, deep-water waves are said to be dispersive. In shallow water, the phase speed is independent of the wave; it depends only on the depth of the water. Shallow-water waves are non-dispersive."

    The wavelength depends more on the source of energy than the medium. The long wavelength waves are the ones that make it to shore, and they travel faster.

    For example, the wavelength of earthquakes can be massive, even in relation to the depth of the sea, thus they travel quickly.

    Also, wave action actually decreases with depth:

  3. u know the wave equation which is speed = wavelength.frequency

    it is true for all waves but in EM waves C (speed of light) =wavelenght.frequency

    so u better might know which wave is being used and if the wavelenght gets shorter the speed must also decrease because both speed and wavelenght are directly related to each other  

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